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         Killer POV

No one in our group would ever admit it, but I was the weakest one. It is strange since my name is Killer and I am seen through terror for almost everyone who has ever heard of me. (which was a lot of people) Still, even being more well known then Cross or been here longer then Horror. When put in a fight against my teammates I would 100% be the weakest. Not the first one to die really but just the weakest.

 So now that you know that my nightmare will make better sense to you. That night I had a nightmare of us all fighting in a areana. I was doing good till all of a sudden a black tentacle went through my heart dusting me.

I woke up sweating, almost in tears. Thankfully before the fake pain had came in the alarm clock had woken me. It was 6:00 AM meaning I had an hour and a half to get ready for nightmare. Everyone slept in till 8:00 AM on a fighting day. Exepet Nightmare who would wake up at 7:00 AM so he had time to do his early morning activates.

 About 2 mouths ago though Nightmare had asked me to come walk with him in the morning. So I would usally wake up at 7:00 AM, on fight days. So I could meet him downstairs for 7:30.

 Unlike prior times though I forgot to put my cloths out the night before. Also I had to take a shower this time. Hence why I was awake at 6:00. So I quickly ran in to the bathroom. I brushed my theeth, whashed my face, and took a shower. After I was done in the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist a quickly grabbed a outfit.

 I choose my usual look, a black turtal neck with a dusty blue hoodie. The color had faded on some of my hoodies leaving me with a dusty blue color. The reason the color had faded so much was because of the blood on them. I had tried to wash it out so many times but had failed since some hoodies were still lightly stained. Luckly most Sanses who did not realise that I was Killer assumed it was ketchup.

(The reason some Sanses did not relize I was Killer was the fact that the picture the got me "viral" I had black goo dripping out of my eyes. In reality I do not always have it. I only have it when I feel strong emotions like hate, angery, vilonce, happiness, hyperness, excitedness, and even.......love I guess. But I almost always have it unless I try to keep myself calm which I rarly ever do.Unless I am around other Sanses that I don't want knowing that I am Killer. Starting to understande yet?)I then look at the time,

 "shit" I whisper under my breath.

 I quickly run over to my dresser and throw on some boxers and gym pants. I then put on my socks and......I pick out red and black sneakers. Right as I go to put on my turtle neck Nightmare opens the door.

"Fuck" I yet again whisper it under my breath. I forgot to lock the door. I freeze.

Nightmare was walking in saying something  loudly before relizeing my lack of a shirt. His eyes widened as I felt my whole face heat up.

"WHAT THE H-H-HELL NIGHTMARE" I studder loudly.

His face was a little cyan as he said loudly "You were six minutes late I came up to check if you were awake. What is the big deal all you are missing is your shirt, I have seen it off of you before."

(before you start getting perverted, Killer is a male.....you all know this, meaning he swims with no shirt on -_-)

I then push him out, my bone checks still hot. I quickly shut and lock the door. Then I put the rest of my cloths on and head downstaries. That is when I looked at the time on my phone 7:40. Guess are walk will be cut ten minutes short today. I put my phone in my pocket then head outside where I see Nightmare waiting next to the path into the woods.

"Nightmare!" I yell running over to him.

"Calm down Killer" he says with a calm tone "it is just what we do every week, no need to yell"

We walk once a day every week. Whether we have a fight later that day or not. The only diffrence on a fight day is that we get up earlier so we have time to get back to the house for breakfest. Either to cook it or to recive it depending on whos turn it was to cook that day.

As I happily skip along with Nightmare we talk about silly things. Like the weather, the newest AUs, and other little things. Then all of a sudden a near by bush shook. We were used to the sounds of creatures in these woods. All though this shake was diffrent. I felt it in my BONES. I stoped for a moment alerting Nightmare to also stop.Before he could ask me if something is wrong the sound repeated. This time he heard it, his eye turned black and he had pulled out his tentacles from his goo cover back.

"Now" said a whisper.

Before I knew it a single arrow periced Nightmare's tentacle. No normal arrow though. A normal arrow would have only gotten stuck in Nightmare's goo before it was cumsumed by the goo.Instead the arrow went right through his tentacle. Causing a small piece of it to break off, but the worst part was Nightmare let out a demonic painful shriek. It could only be a dream arrow. I felt every drop of magic blood in me boil. Before I could even get my knife out a secend arrow came. This time cutting the rest of the tentacle off. He shrieked again, this time louder and more demonic. 

He fell to the ground. In pain, he would have not been acting like this if he was expecting this attack but there was no way for us to know this was going to happen. He was out of breath from the pain, he tried to stand but the shock of pain had stunned him. I was just watching him, not even helping.

 I was to weak to protect him.

 To weak to help him. 

To weak to move.

 To weak to see an arrow comeing right toward me. 

To weak to dodge it when I finally did realize it was coming.

To weak to react when it was moments away from my skull.

 weak...weak....weak....When I thought for sure I was about to dust I closed my eye sockets,

 To weak to see my own death.

 Then something cold was all around me, at the same time warm though. It had blocked the arrow and yelped in pain. I opend my eyes sockets to look up at Nightmare. I looked down at his bloody stomach then back up at his face. When I looked at him again he softly smiled, before fainting.

I looked over at the bushes to see Ink and Dream in shock.

 They could not belive that Dream missed Nightmare and almost dusted me.

 They could not believe Nightmare saved me.

 They could not believe the size of the gaster blaster I just summand.

They could not believe I actually fired it.

 Just before it hit them blue telported to them then telported all three of them away. Leaving me and Nightmare alone.

(CHAPTER TWO DONE THE SAME DAY! YES, okay so I know this was not original at all (the whole being attacked in the woods) but I had to includ this scene. I am already working on chapter 3 so yeah......this scean is just so cute to me but I feel Nightmare would do it if anyone in his team was in Killer's place. But for the sake of logic and ships I made it Killer :3 1258 words)

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