Stuffed Bunny

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          Nightmare's POV

          As the prince of darkness and nightmares you would think I would have picked a less babyish team, but here I was staring at Killer. With a blue, bunny plushie in hand and nightlight turned on high next to him. 

"Killer...when did you start turning on a nightlight before bed? "I asked. Unsure to how he would reply. 

Red embarrassment blush tinted his check bones to a pale pink. He looked away from me, embarrassed I assumed.

 He answered "A month ago."

  He looked like he was expecting me to laugh at him or something instead I said, "okay....well....night then Killer."

 I turned and walked away not even looking to see his reaction. All I could think as I started to walk the manor's dark hallways is 

'was I blushing back there?'  

         Killer's POV

       When my boss, Nightmare, left my room I couldn't help but sigh in relieve. I was thankful he had been looking out for the group more this past mouth. In fact that was the reason I started my old habit again of sleeping with a nightlight in the first place. Sure I didn't want him to know but his new found kindness to our team had given me courage. Plus I was starting to get real scared of the dark. So I bought a nightlight.

Oh, how rude of me. Allow me to give you some back story as I change into my bunny onesie. (Which Nightmare had only just recently allowed me to wear) So basically if you found this story you hopefully already know about who we all are and what we look like. If not you should go to your closest google now and KETCHUP. (KILLER STOP BREAKING THE FORTH WALL! Also good one)

 Anyway we all live in Nightmare's mansion, I mean it was dream's too but he did not live here anymore, why because we are a team hiding from the Star Sanses. They are composed of Ink, Dream (nightmares twin), and Blueberry. While our team is composed of  Nightmare, Error, Cross, Dust, Horror, and your truly. We were the Bad Sanses. Now like I said you should already know what both sides do but anyways.

 Recently our team has gotten closer to one another. We each relived secrets either willingly or accidently this mouth.

  We found out Error has serious anxiety, he goes under pillows and blankets for comfort. He told us this when Cross tried to steal the blanket from Error. Cross was real cold so instead of asking he just tried taking. Only to see Error unable to breath. Freaking out even more because his only way of coping had just been torn away from him.

 After his anxiety calmed down he explained that pillows and blankets made him feel better and gave him time to think. He asked us whenever his whole body was under blankets to not talk or touch him. To let him deal with his own problems, and if he wanted to "talk it out" he would not be under the blankets in the first place. He also said if he was in his room with puppets to not even look at him because the puppets meant that he was stressed out passed blankets and needed to talk to someone who could not talk back, so he used puppets.

Horror started screaming at Dust three weeks ago, then we all noticed Cross covering his 'ears' and crying. It took an hour for us to figure out what to do. That is when I, the smart Killer I am, thought of something. I slowly took his hands away from his skull and hugged him till his breathing was normal. That is when he told us that he also had anxiety. Usually triggered by loud noises.

 Now he has a cabinet in the kitchen next to the fridge called "Crosses Cabinet Of Anxiety" (I know another Wattpad writer has similar ideas but I wrote Cross's and Error's parts before I read there book sooooo)

 It was in the kitchen next to the fridge because he loved chocolate, and so if he wanted one he could stack up before entering his cabinet. Whenever he was in there someone had to lightly tug on his cloths till he noticed and then he would come down only to hold his 'ears' again. He would only come down if it was no longer loud. Then you would have to slowly pull his arms away from his skull then hold him till he starts breathing normal again.

 It did not matter who you are and how you felt toward him if you did not do this and he saw you refused to help after you knew he needed the help.....he would go into denial, and say that he was not worth anything. Ask Horror he could give you a first hand review after he had done this because he was mad at Cross.

A week ago Dust told the group that he saw his brother a lot. We all knew he usually denied his brother's death. To know that he sees him though sent chills through my SPINE. While Nightmare and the rest of us put it off as being insane (which we all were) Cross seems to have it implanted in his skull that it is Dust's Brother's ghost. So now it is not weird for us to sometimes see Dust talking to thin air. It is strange though. The way he stares at the air reminds me of when Cross spaces out.(Which was often by the way) '

I would have to ask him about that later 'I thought to myself as I jumped in bed.

Then Horror told us he was a cannibal . We had no problem believing that. Mostly because of certain things he says sometimes. So now he has a min fridge in his room with........things in it from when we see a human during our fights. He also had small anxiety problems, he had them so rarely though and only Nightmare has every seen them. All you gotta do though is wipe his tears away and give him comfort.

I was next, I told them hesitantly that I was ADHD. At first they did not believe me. One week after acting like my true childish self, they had no doubts that I in fact did have ADHD. I had been so tough the mouths prior to insure my spot on the team. Now I acted like my true self everyday. Very happier then usual, they all had to admit but nothing compared to Dream. Not to mention I was a better fighter with all this energy finally being leashed out. Now I also have short anxiety attacks, I usually take a nap in my cardboard box in my room to calm down though. Even if I do have a bed I like the small box for naps, plus I am the only person on the team that can fit in my box.

Finally Nightmare, he admitted to us he had a very small anxiety problem himself. Anytime he transformed back to his original self or thought about his mother. (or thought about his original self) gave him small panic attacks. He told us nothing else and told us not to care about them. For some reason though I worry that they are worse then he made them sound. 

And there you go now that you got your backstory I get my sleep kay? Kay.(STOP BREAKNIG THE FORTH WALL)

               3rd POV

Just like that the smallest, youngest Bad Sans drifted off to sleep. Unaware that the prince of darkness, also known as Nightmare, could not get the small Killer out of his head. All Nightmare could think of as he drifted into his restless slumber was 'was I really blushing back there, and if so why?'

(I AM DONE! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN AND I AM ALREADY WORKING ON A SECEND CHAPTER! I will write when I want to and everything will change once this whole virus things calms down till then though I will write whenever I want to which should be often. THANKS FOR READING :3  1340 words)

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