Chapter Eighteen: Lexi-Which is Short and Should Be Stressful

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Well, only one person, but the imprint that many more had been there. There he sat, a boy. He might have been seven, or ten, or fifteen. He seemed to have no age at all. He was sobbing and holding a knife. He was real, not a spirit. He cried out something Lexi couldn't understand, but she wanted to pull him close. But she couldn't move.

The Grey released her. She hadn't realized they were holding onto her sweatshirt all the while. The boy's dark heir hung greasy in front of his brown face, streaked with creamy, silver tears. He screamed and Lexi stumbled back. This wasn't her mission. She scanned her surroundings as the Grey sat perfectly balanced on a teeter-totter. One part of the area was darker than the nothing-color that was everywhere. She walked towards the darkness.

She shuddered again and suddenly the pull was there again. She had been close to death, she knew it now. She gasped for breath she hadn't realized she wasn't breathing. Her memories had been nearly gone. She had been nearly gone.

With renewed strength, she ran. She tripped and skidded on the ground.Rocks. She had tripped over stones on the glassy ground of the Fog. She laughed. Jean the Earth Elemental was near. As she ran, the rocks became bigger. It occurred to Lexi to use her Lihe. She slowed and opened her eyes to it.

Everywhere and nowhere it was. It ran in streams that were almost invisible because they were everywhere. She laughed again, coughing, but laughing. She drw spell circles, drawing off of the infinite supply of Lihe. She felt her reservoirs fill to the brim, her abilities grow. The circles contracted and shone until a sword hung in the air. She grabbed it. It was solid. She was full of glee now, drawing circle after circle, not caring as her human body ran and crumbled. Red coated the glass as she drew. The spells didn't even do anything, it was pure, racing joy of mindless creation. The body stopped moving. The circles dropped.

Lexi came into herself again to find excruciating pain. She had stopped short in front of a pile of bleached bones. But her body, oh, her body...

Blood poured from countless tiny cuts all over. Her lungs felt crushed from lack of air. Her ribs sent spikes into her stomach, which twisted in upon itself. Her eyes couldn't focus and her fingers were all broken or just gone. She must have gone too far in magic to handle. There was a reason spirits only projected a small piece of themselves into humans. Maybe this was it. She coughed horribly, blood and something else staining her shirt.

She raised her ruined fingers to heal it, but she was too tired to do anything at all. Her shuddering breaths brought coughing and more blood. He reached for the bones, but she could barely move. She prayed.

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