Chapter Ten:Mixed*-In Which There is an Axe-ident

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*Author's Note: The chapter switches perspective a lot. Y'all should be able to figure it out, but if you're confused ask~ 

He was just there. One moment, Allison was about to recruit and rescue Jeanie Lee, and then the hulking spirit was flying towards them.

Lexi's head filled with smoke and pain. She screamed.

Corduroy's world went dark. He fell flat on his face without warning.

Taylor saw it coming. His breath caught in his throat and he shot several more feet in the air to avoid Caliph.

Allison saw the spirit and her brain went into overdrive. She raised her hands and the stubby weeds in the pavement flew up and toward Jeanie, trying to pull her away. Allison ran into the civic, if frantic search for her weapons.

Jean heard Lexi's scream. She saw Corduroy fall and Taylor rise. She saw Allison run and green snakes shoot toward her. She felt the hand.

It was cold and felt almost not there and like iron at the same time. It curled around her head to toe. She couldn't breathe. She struggled.

Lexi stood frozen against the Civic. She couldn't move. Every muscle, every vein was screaming. She was screaming. Allison tumbled out of the car wearing the gauntlet and carrying an axe. Taylor shot towards Caliph and tried to kick him in the head. One of the Caliph's huge hands swiped the air just next to him.

Allison held the gauntleted hand out and a beam of white sliced the air and Caliph's hand. The one holding Jeanie fell. As soon as it hit the ground it evaporated. Jeanie stumbled upright.

Caliph's stump was a swirling mass of black. Another hand began to form.

Taylor reached out a hand and Jeanie's writhing body rose. Caliph grabbed them both in one swipe.

Allison shot with the gauntlet again, missing this time. The beam burned a crater in the sidewalk. Caliph lunged again. His free hand caught Allison bodily and she flew into the side of the school. She didn't get up again.

The axe lay at Lexi's feet. Caliph turned and lumbered back towards the school. Lexi drew on the Lihe. She drank in the smoke he gave off. She used it. She fell to her knees.

The axe.

He had Earth-Shine. And another. No matter. He could lose the other later. He was ready to go back to his world. He stumbled and felt a pain.

Lexi stood behind Caliph. His missing foot was already regrowing. She swung the axe again, at his dangling hand. She missed. She swung again and cut off another hand.

This thing had to go. It wasn't going to let him leave. He had to kill it. The other in his hand wriggled free. It flew away. That was fine. The little thing attacked him again. Hungry. Angry. Kill it.

Lexi saw Taylor pop up like a cork and fly away. Coward. The smoke was in her, making her faster. She gathered all of her strength and threw the axe, directly at Caliphs face.

Pain. A knew knowing. His prey. The nuisance. His face. Pain. Time to go. But first: KILL IT

Lexi closed her eyes. The Lihe was wild. Pink and black and green and fast and thick. She grabbed as much as she could. Hastily, she signed and whispered. The symbols were there. She shoved.

Glossary (In alphabetical order):

Lihe: Spirit Energy (pronounced: Lee)

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