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Tessa Clash-Perada
4:13 P.M.
1 1/2 weeks later...

Kaleb and I sat at the dinner table eating with the family. I could tell there was thick tension in the air, what for I don't know.

"Amara can you pass the bread rolls?" Quinton asked.

The bread rolls were clearly closer to Kaleb than Amara so I could tell he was trying to be petty.

"Kaleb can you pass him-"

"No, I want you to pass them to me," Quinton said.

"Stop acting like a child," Amara scolded before Kaleb passed Quinton the bread rolls.

"I don't want them now, they're contaminated-"

"Quinton," Amara said before Quinton shrugged.

Kaleb awkwardly put the bread rolls back where they were before he looked at me.

"Did you tell him?" Kaleb asked me before I shook my head.

"So Kaleb, have you figured out which school you're going to?" Melanie asked.

"Not yet," Kaleb replied.

"Well you have offers so you have options," Melanie said before I saw Quinton roll his eyes.

When dinner was over I helped with washing the dishes. When I was done helping clean up I went to go find Kaleb. I found him in the basketball court with Kaden before I called him upstairs.

"Hey," I smiled as he came up to me. "We've got a little bit of time to be alone before you have to leave," I said before he bit his bottom lip.

"What you tryna do?" He asked.

"Come find out," I said before he smirked and we walked upstairs.

We walked into my room before opening the door to see that my bed was gone.

"What the fuck?" I said.

"Uh, I think you missin' somethin'," Kaleb said before I looked out my window to see Quinton in the back yard standing proudly in front of flames.

"Oh my fuckin' God!" I said before rushing downstairs.

Bri was standing at the back door watching him burn my bed as if it was a satisfying YouTube video. I walked outside before Quinton waved at me.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Oh ya see, I told you not to fuck in my house. Did I not? But you didn't want to listen!" He said before picking up the gallon of gasoline and splashing it into the flames causing the flames to go higher.

"What am I supposed to sleep on?!" I asked.

"I don't know. You grown right?! You grown enough to fuck then you grown enough to buy yo own bed!" Quinton yelled before walking past me back into the house.

I went and got the hose before putting out the fire. My bed was completely torched, there was no coming back from that. I started crying before Kaleb tried to hug me. I pushed him off before storming back into the house.

"What happened?" Amara asked coming up to me.


We heard something drop from the balcony into the foyer causing us to walk over to it. Of course it was my iPad.

"YOU DONT NEED THAT MOTHAFUCKA ANYWAY!" Quinton yelled from the balcony.

"QUINTON STOP!" Amara yelled.

"NO! I WARNED HER! I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HA NOT TO FUCK IN MY HOUSE!" He yelled before Amara rushed upstairs.

"Fuck this I'm going to your house," I said to Kaleb.


"YOU CANT STOP US FROM SEEING EACH OTHER! IF I WANT TO FUCK HIM, IM GONNA FUCK HIM!" I yelled before Kaleb tried to tell me to stop.

Quinton rushed down the stairs before yelling, "NOT IN MY MOTHAFUCKIN HOUSE!"

"STOP YELLING AT ME!" I yelled as I felt myself starting to cry again.

"Quinton she gets it," Amara said.

Quinton glared at Kaleb before Kaleb tried to kiss my forehead. Quinton put his hand on my forehead before mushing Kaleb's face back.

"This is suspended," Quinton said before Kaleb nodded.

"I'll see you later then," Kaleb said to me before I nodded.

Kaleb walked out before I pushed past Amara and Quinton.


"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at Quinton before slamming my door shut.

I sat in the middle of my bed frame before I started crying. A few hours passed and I had already made a pallet on the floor. I heard a small knock on my door before Andre came in.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he sat down on my pallet.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Then why are you crying?" He asked.

"Because I don't have a bed," I replied.

"Well why did you do it?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to," I replied.

"Well then that's why you ain't got no bed," he said before I laughed.

I heard a knock at my door before Quinton came in.

"Can I talk to you?" Quinton asked before I sat up.

Andre ran out of the room before closing the door behind him. Quinton sat down on the floor in front of me.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I may have went a little overboard... I ain't mean to make you feel bad about makin' that decision because that's your choice at the end of the day. And you fortunate enough to be with a boy that lets you have that choice ya know... I'll get ya bed back but I mean it when I say I don't want you fuckin' in here. If I have to burn your shit again I will," he said before I nodded. "Aii bring it in before my simp energy runs out," he said before we hugged. "I love you kid," he said.

"I love you too," I said before we pulled away.

"And stop bein' dramatic. We have a whole guest room with a bed, go in there," he said as he walked out.

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