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Tessa Clash4:12 P

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Tessa Clash
4:12 P.M.
1 month later...

I sat in Bri's room playing a game on my phone before I felt her eyes on me.

"What?" I said.

"Is that a six?" She asked referring to my phone.

"Yeah... why?" I replied.

"Ouu girl... I'm sorry but we're gonna have to upgrade that in the near future, like near near," she said shaking her head.

"Why? It works fine to me," I asked.

"It works fine? Why not have something that works great?" She said.

"Hmm," I hummed thinking about it before Cece came running into the room.

"The Mexicans are here!" Cece yelled before jumping on the bed.

The family was having a family cook out which meant they invited Melanie's side of the family.

"Don't be rude," Bri said scolding Cece.

"Mel doesn't even look Mexican so why are so many here?!" Cece exclaimed.

"What do you have against Mexicans?" I asked.

"I never know what they're saying," she said as if that was the most scariest thing in the world. "Why can't they just speak English?"

"I don't know, go ask Mel," Bri said before Cece did as told.

Bri and I went downstairs before greeting everyone.

"Girl I ain't even see you yet, this is cute," Lynn, Amara's mom said referring to my hair.

"Thank you," I smiled.

I saw an older Mexican man approach us before he hugged Bri.

"Hey mija, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine," she replied.

"Did you not get my call this morning?" He asked and from the look on Bri's face I could tell she was about to lie.

"No, no, I didn't," she replied.

"Oh... maybe you could come to church with us next Sunday then?" He asked.

"Definitely, yeah," she replied before he gave her shoulder a pat and walked away.

"You lied?" I teased.

"Well duh, do I look fuckin' catholic to you?" She said before I chuckled.

The cook out was fun. It seemed like everyone had a good time aside from the small awkward situations. When we were done eating Kaden, Bri, and I went into the basketball court.

"Wassup? You thought you could cross me? C'mon, keep that energy, Bri. KEEP THAT ENERGY!" Kaden said as he played a 1v1 with Bri.

Their father daughter relationship was nice, something I sometimes wish I had.

"Come on, Tess. Come play me," Kaden smiled through his sweat.

I played him and of course lost. Once we were done the three of us sat on the court floor talking.

"I heard you ain't gettin in as much trouble no more, Tess," he said.

"Yeah... weird, I haven't noticed," I said as I thought about it.

"Soon you won't need to hang around us no more," he said before I frowned.

"That doesn't mean you can't come around anymore. You just won't have to be introduced as Amara's mentee anymore," Bri smiled.

I was starting to get close to the family and I liked it. I could tell Andre did too. I got a call from my foster mom before I answered.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Get y'all black ass back here now! Y'all overstayed your welcome!" She yelled before hanging up.

"I Uh, have to go home now," I said standing up off of the ground.

"You want me to drive you home?" Bri asked.

"Uh... sure," I shrugged before we hurried upstairs to find Andre.

I found Amara first before I asked her if she had seen him.

"Yeah, he's in the backyard, y'all leavin?" She asked.

"Yeah, my foster mom just called," I replied.

"Hold on, ill get my keys-"

"Bri said she'll drive us," I said before she nodded.

"Y'all be safe!" She yelled after us.

We found the little ones all in the backyard playing before I told Andre we had to go home.

"I don't want to go," he pouted.

"We can come back later, don't start that," I said grabbing his hand and going into the garage with Bri.

Bri was gifted with a Mercedes for her sixteenth birthday. Me and Andre hopped in the car before she opened the garage door with the remote in her car.

"You drive to school?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied as she sped off.

As we pulled up into my neighborhood I told her to drop us off at the corner.

"If my foster mom sees you driving and what you're driving in she'll have a field day," I said as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Oh... okay? Well I guess I'll see y'all later," she said before we waved and she drove off.

As Andre and I walked down the sidewalk I couldn't help the feeling like I had eyes on me. Like someone was watching me.

When we got home I went straight to my room. After taking my shower my best friend, Valentina called me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey... so? How was it?" She asked.

"It was nice, I had fun," I replied still feeling uncomfortable like I had eyes on me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I feel like someone's watching me," I said.

"Watching you how?"

"I don't know, Val. Just watching me," I said.

"Yeah, you're probably just paranoid," she said.

"Yeah, probably..."

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