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King Vincent, Queen Lila, Queen Amira, King William, Jacob, Cheryl, Matthew, Micah, Devon, Sapphire and I were all in this small room discussing the plan. Vincent just brought all his soldiers which are currently hiding out in the East Wing, The Witches hiding out they're our secret weapon only the Royalty know about them just incase the trust circle is compromised in anyway.

Cheryl hasn't stopped staring at me since she got here, I can tell she's sorry her eyes say a lot plus the fact that I overheard her tell herself that she wishes I will forgive her for everything. After this is all over, I don't want her to die but I don't want her anywhere near me. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me and she's fooled me one too many times. I'm done being forgiving.

"William will stay in here with a few of our guards," Devon recounts, "If he goes to fight he will most likely die due to the speed we posses and then killing the rest of your line will be easy."

William doesn't argue, he knows what's best for him. someone's phone dings to indicate a message and Sapphire utters an apology before moving to turn it off.

"Cheryl will come out and try and negotiate with her father, maybe break whatever spell this rouge witch put on him." Devon continues, "Matthew will be with her for protection and it will look like it's only them two but we have your back don't worry."

Cheryl nods her head and Matthew holds her tighter causing her to look back at him and smile a little.

"If that doesn't work that's when we bring out the silver cage we have suspended and try to trap them. if it works proceed with plan A of isolating junior if it doesn't then plan B."

"What about plan C?" Sapphire questions and we look at her in confusion

"There is no plan-" Just then the ground shakes as if a sort of bomb has gone off and there is screams coming from down the hall

"They're here." A mindlink from my advisor comes through my brain and I turn to look at Sapphire

"No." I utter and she looks downcast

"I'm sorry." she bring out two silver guns from her holster and points at Micah and me, "Anyone moves and I will kill them."

"It's been you the whole time?" Devon asks, his voice breaking, "Why?"

"He's my mate." She says, "I found out the day of the masquerade ball before I found Devon. He marked me that day and made me drink something that hid it so I can complete my job."

Rekard's smart, only mark Sapphire so if she dies, he still wouldn't since they havent completed the mating process.

"You've been spying for that long?" I ask with disgust, "I trusted you. I told you thing's I never told anyone."

"Exactly why I was such a good mole."

I could hear fighting in the distance, my people being slaughtered because we were unprepared, trusting people we should never have trusted. Turns out it would be Sapphire to put a bullet in me.

"Sapphire, if you do this no one will ever forgive you." I reiterate to her

"You think I care? I'm going to be queen. Everyone will have to forgive me."

"If Micah dies, Rekard isn't going to be the King, Jacob is. The order has be changed." Vincent states, "You'll never be queen even if you kill everyone in this room."

"We'll see about that won't we." with that she pointed the gun to Jacob and fired it through the head.

I screamed as Jacob's body fell onto the floor, I watched as he bled out on the floor. Devon moved towards Sapphire but she then moved the gun to him and he stayed still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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