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The meeting came around quicker than I expected.

Leroy did the job of announcing those in attendance. 
there will be a mingling at the begining and the meeting will occur in the council room, where its sound proof and radio proof, no spying can be done at all, just face to face talk through.

Micah placed his arm around me, "The last time you were behind these curtains, was the queen games."

Yup, the day the only love i'll ever have in my life also became my killer.
What a lovely way to summarise it.

I smiled up at him but didnt say anything as our name was called.

"Crown King Micah Carlyle and Crown Queen Elise Carlyle." 

"I don't remember changing my name," I mutter to Micah as the curtains opened revealing us to a crowd of mostly Wolves with the different monachs sitting on their thrown

I waved to those clapping and I hoped I did it right with all these scrutinising eyes, Micah helped direct us to the front where we sat in between the three different faces,  humans and witches to my left and human race to my right.

I looked at the Queen of Witches and my heart dropped a little, "Where is Queen Alura?" i ask queityly, not having to worry about the woman sitting in the thrown since witches do not have superhearing like we do.

"Dead," Micah muttered back taking a drink from the server and giving me one, "That's her daughter, Amira."

Amira - Queen Amira, I'm guessing - had purple eyes and purple hair, even her pale skin had a purplish hue to it, showing that pure witch ran through her blood. she didnt look at either Micah or I. Yep, she's here for blood.

"Queen Elise." I look to the man and woman next to her, King Vincent of the Vampire race wasn't easily detected in the Queen Games but today he looked more Vampiry if that even a word.

Him and the woman I'm assuming is his wife - Queen Lila - both had their fangs on full display and their eyes were pure black as if they were fighting their bloodlust for the Human Crown Prince, who was sent in replacement for his sickly grandma, and his entourage.

"King Vincent, pleasure to see you once again, " I greet

"Pleasure is all mine," he replied with a devilish smile baring his sharp teeth, "I dont think you've met my wife."

"No, I havn't, Queen Lila, It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too," she replies shortly and I kept the eyebrow raise inside me, I'm guessing she's the business one in their pairing.

"I must say, this is a spectacular ball." Pince William comments and Micah thanks him

"May I ask How her majesty is?" I question, I happen to be very fond of the old woman, she was graceful and so cute with her little handbags during the media challenge.

"She's well, just taking a rest with the grandkids." He nods but i have a gift for seeing lying people and he just lied to me via his teeth.

"Please send our regards," Micah says and I nod my head along with him.

"My condolences for your loss, Amira." Queen Lila says but that even sounded like it didn't come from her heart, "To be alone during this at such a young age is horrible."

Amira did not smile or anything she simply looked at Lila and nodded her head, "Can we start the meeting, I wish to get off this land as quick as possible."

King Vincent looked highly amused as he looked at Micah and I as if taunting us with his eyes with a 'are you going to take that?'

"Yes we shall, the soldiers will direct you towards the right place." Micah answered calmly

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