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Waving to the people outside the car, the millions that came to say hello to Micah and I, to congratulate me on winning the biggest game of the century.

In the car is Jacob and Cheryl. I've been going back and forth in my head about what I should do about Cheryl, If i tell her the reason why I want her gone, she'll run along and do something behind my back - possibly killing Micah and I in the process.

So, I've decided I need her to stay close to me so I can watch her every move.

They do say keep your enemies close.
I should have known from the moment she tried to kill me.

"How was the meeting with the elders?" Cheryl asks, waving at some people as well like she was the one who is queen.

"Well the rumours are true about Winston being a mean little grouch." I respond through a smile I flash at those taking some pictures.

"I think the others can whip him into shape." Jacob comments, "Question is, are you really considering Amira's peace treaty?"

I don't think Jacob understand what I mean when I say confidential.
He must think Cheryl being allowed into the carriage means she's to be trusted

"Peace treaty?" Cheryl asks

I resist rolling my eyes at how perfectly executed the acting was. I don't know who she's working with but they've got a valuable member with them.

"Elise can't disclose to you if she hasn't already," Jacob replies, evidently picking up on his mistake.

"And why did you disclose to him?" she questions

"He's bloodbound to me, I think he deserves to know if there is any risks in my life." I reply and she nods her head slowly, I stop the eye contact and look at Micah who is giving brief smiles to the people. "Are you okay?"

"They've never even seen my face before and now I have to stand on a podium and tell them to trust me as their new leader?" he voices and I can see the worry in his eyes, "How am I even worthy when I've been hiding for 21 years?"

He does have a solid point - one that I can refute

The biggest mystery behind the Queen Games was who is this prince that was never even announced before, what did he look like? what was the scandal behind all if this secrecy.

of course, no one expect the advisers, myself and Jacob know of Micah's true origin and it has to stay that way to prevent a rebellion.

"I know you do not like me very much, and my opinion probably means very little to you," Jacob starts and I look at him begging in my head that he doesn't say something stupid, "But the fact that you're so worried means that you care about what your people think and I think that makes a great King."

I smile at him and nod my head whilst weaving my hand into his.

The carriage came to a halt and the doors opened, Cheryl and Jacob exit the cars first.

Before I leave the next, I turn to Micah, "Just speak from your heart," I tell him, "They may have never seen you before but they can tell if a heart is pure or not and you have the purest heart out there." he smiled back at me and I exit the carriage to an uproar of cheers as I wave the way I was told to.

I turn and wait for Micah who I can tell is nervous but gives a clear face of stone as he steps out of the carriage, the crowd roars louder and I smile as he takes his first few stiff steps before joining me once more and we walk together towards the Royal House.

After every new monarch finds his mate, they must give a speech in front of the crowd after the parade at the royal balcony on the royal house. Once inside the house, Micah lets out a large exhale and I rub his hand

the cheers of the crowd could still be heard from inside and if I didn't have total faith in the royal army, I would think something bad was happening outside.

"Your excellences," Keira Manya, head organiser of royal events who works closely with Leroy started. "The people who manage the building want to say hello."

We turned to look at people who were dressed beautifully and looked really professional, people who looked nervous and excited to see us.

"Hello," Micah welcomed going through the line with eye contact, "Thank you all for keeping this place standing,"

"Anything for you, your majesty," An elderly woman spoke whilst bowing, "I hope I live long enough to see future children running in these halls.

I hope I live long enough to see that too.

"We'll happily relocate, this place is beautiful." Micah continues

"Does that mean her majesty is pregnant already?" A man asked and my eyes widened

"I don't work that fast." Micah joked and I rolled my eyes at him

"Your majesties, they're waiting for you." Leroy tells us and we bid them our farewells and follow Leroy to the balcony.

I took a deep breath in and Micah squeezed my hand reminding me much of that fatal day when he choose me over Simone.

"Queen Protector, Alpha Jacob Nisey." Leroy announces and Jacob passes the curtains and is greeted by the crowd

"Queen Protector? When did we name him that?" I ask Micah

"The council thought it would be best to call him that so there would be no questions." Micah filled in and I nod my head understanding how difficult it would be to explain to the whole world why I need a protector in the first place

"Why would there be any questions?" Cheryl asked, I forgot she was here
Micah looed down at me and I look to Cheryl, she's asking too many questions herself

I open my mouth the spew another lie when Leroy announces our name, "Her Royal Highness Queen Elise and His Royal Highness King Micah."

I smile lightly at her in a fake apology before stepping past the curtains onto the balcony where there were thousands of people cheering our names
We stood and waved for a while whist the cheers calmed down and Micah stepped forward letting go of my hand.

"Hello to all of you here and watching this at home," Micah starts, his voice radiating the power he possess, "I want to start this off by thanking you for showing your support throughout my parents reign and your support throughout the Queen Games. I know I have become somewhat of a myth, many speculating if I even exist but, as you can see, I am alive and breathing, hungry to do well by my people, fight by your sides and be a even better King than my father, goddess bless his soul." There was a moment as we remembered the late King and Queen, "During the queen games, I was lucky enough to find the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and I vow to protect her from any danger anyone is foolish enough to put her in,"

except the danger he put me in himself   I couldn't help but thing in my head

"I want you, the people, to have faith in me and trust the process that will lead in us continuing to be great species."  There was a loud cheer in agreement and I smile, happy that the people are happy with Micah.

he turned back to me with his outstretched hand and I take it and join him where you have a greater view of the people

"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss!" they chanted and I looked up at Micah who shrugs his shoulders

"Got to keep the people happy." he smiled before dipping down and giving me a kiss.

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