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I did not get the information I wanted to get.

Apparently, for the two months that I was passed out, none of the guest left the castle as it is custom to stay when one of the royals is ill.

So it was the role of Micah and I to greet all of them and wish them a farewell.

The meeting with Sir Alafa told us of the way we had to walk into the room during the meeting with the different races and how we had to sign the different peace treaties carefully as they might try and trick us with different clauses that were not In the old treaty for Celeste and Vincent.

The crown on my head was hurting my neck but I had to keep my head high, or else I would be looked down upon by the elders who helped advise the council on whether I should be present during meetings with the public or if I present a weak front.

"You're doing amazing." Devon mutters to me and I nod my head as Simone and Rekard Junior walk forward.

Simone's neckline was plunging and she made sure to bow down to Micah who kept his head looking up which made me smile a little.

"Your Majesty." Simone greeted, ensuring not to include me in the greeting, in fact she didn't even look my way, "It's been a pleasure,"

"Glad you're leaving." Devon comments but they don't reply back to him.

well aren't they acting a little snobby.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay here, Miss Humphreys," Micah smiled

"I enjoyed it tremendously, Remember I'm always just a few minutes away if you need anything."
That sounded like solicitation to me.

"You should come to the Velaries Pack." Rekard suggests, "It'll be an apology for having Elise standing next to you and not Simone or Cheryl."

An apology? Does he know who he's referring to now? It's bad enough that he allowed his own sister to be disowned but treating me like trash when I'm Micah's mate is abdominal

"It's Queen Elise." I corrects and Rekard looks down at me with a raised eyebrow, "And we will consider visiting when you two learn some respect and take back Cheryl into her rightful place, until then consider your invitation declined." I then flash them a smile, "Have a safe trip."

Simone looks at Micah as if she thinks that he wouldn't allow me to talk to her the like that, "Goodbye Miss Humphreys,"

she bowed once more then walked away with Rekard by her side. Micah put his hand around my waist, "I'll be sure to take their names off the list for the meeting." He whispers into my ear

I smile but shake my head, "No need, we might need them in the future."

"Doubt it." Devon comments, "Apparently, Rekard Senior is bankrupt."

"You know that is a human term." Micah rebukes him and Devon shrugged.

"We use them and the Emerald pack for resources. If Velaries doesn't have money, and his army is weakening, what would be the use of him?"

Maybe that's why Cheryl needed to ensure that she won the Queen Games, to help her family. She didn't deserve the things she got.

The doors burst open and Lena Ashcroft was held by soldiers being dragged out of the palace. She had attacked me before the end of the Queen Games, she wanted me to abdicate and give up, saying that this meant more to her than it did to me. I still don't know why.

"I thought she was dead."

"We were going to kill her but realised that's what she wanted." Devon tells me

"She's going to the elders to be held accountable for her crimes." Micah informs me

"Crimes? All she did was hit me in the head and I wasn't your mate then." I reply as I meet her eyes, I don't think I noticed it before but hers were purple just like Micah's

"She's been conspiring with the Witches." Devon tells me and I open my mouth slightly, How did such a beautiful girl get involved with them?

"Bring her here." I call out and Micah looked down at me but didn't question me in front of all the soldiers.

The soldiers dragged her basically limp body in front of me and raised her head for her. They must have really put a lot during the interrogation.

"Called me here to gloat?" Her voice wasn't the sickly sweet voice that annoyed me before, it was hoarse and tired. "I'm not giving any information."

"Why don't you let us help you?" I muttered

she laughed darkly "Very forgiving but unlike Cheryl, you can't save me." she then spit on the floor below me and the soldiers held her tighter, "I'm too far deep, they're everywhere." she laughed again turning to Micah, "they know what you are."

"Take her away." Devon instructed and like the loyal dogs they are, they pulled her away

"We all know what you are." she calls after us, like a bad taunt, "We'll all watch you die."

- A/N - 

I know many of you are waiting for this book to be finished and it will in due course but please like and comment on every page as it gives me the motivation to continue writing and make this the best sequel ever!



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