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I woke up with a sharp intake of breath.

The room was empty, kind of like the same room I was placed in after the red moon. 

My stomach hurt and I touched it slightly only to wince at the wound that was still very much present. Why am I not dead?

"Hello?" I spoke but to no answer.

Where am I? I tried to move my body to get up but the sharp pain returned again.

I heard shouting and I frown, God I hope everything worked out right. I hope Micah listened to her and I hope I'm not too late.

Ignoring the stabbing pain, I got off the bed with a lot of struggle, I press my hand into the wound which seemed to help it not hurt that much.

I limp towards the door and tug at it but it doesn't open. I bang at the door but it's like no one can hear me.

What's going on?

"Ah, you're awake."

I turn around at the familiar voice and see Devon coming out from another door before walking towards me to help me.

"You don't sound very surprised." I say as I put my arm around his shoulder so he can carry me back to the bed.

"Queen Amira laced the knife that you used to stab yourself with a spell that ensured you wouldn't die." He explained, "They are all preparing for battle right now."

I sighed in relief, "Micah listened."

"He did, though he says he's still going to hold Cheryl and Matthew for treason after all of this is over."

I shake my head, "We wouldn't have had the proof without them. Plus she didn't do anything to actually harm me." I reason before holding out my hand, "Help me up so I can go see him."

"Yeah about that." Devon starts, "The plan is to make it seem like you're dead. We can't have a ghost walking through the halls, hence why you can't leave this room."

I blinked In shock. I mean, I guess that would be smart, to make it seem like their plan is working but it doesn't make sense since Micah is still King and would have died if I died.

"Wait, no one is question why Micah is still walking around if I'm dead?"

"We told the people in the palace that the moon goddess came to Micah and severed the connection with you in order for him to rule." He explains, "So now he's walking around mateless because of an okay from the moon goddess."

"So only the people in the palace know I'm dead?"

Devon nods his head, "And with the tip from an inside witch we know that someone in the palace has told Rekard that Micah is still alive. Meaning we have a mole."

I groan a little as I turn to lay down, "Another one? God, when can we trust people?"

"Probably not until this is over." Devon shrugs, "But it'll end tomorrow. That's when we know they're planning on attacking."

My eyebrow raised, "What? They're coming here? I thought it was all supposed to go down on no mans land."

"Yes, well according to Matthew, Rekard put it there so that we would think that and start scoping out that area instead of defending the castle."

"Did the rest of the leaders believe us?" Devon nodded his head and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Well since I can't leave here, can I get some water? And food? And Micah."

Devon bowed his head curtly, "Of course Your Majesty."

I watched him leave and tried to wrap my head around this whole thing.

This is crazy. I didn't the my first year as queen would have this many issues.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling the door opened again and I turn to see Micah with food in his hands.

He closed the door and dropped the food to envelop me in his large arms.

Kissing my face repeatedly he whispered how much he missed me and how much he loved me and I could help but smile and let him continue.

"Baby never do anything like that again." He says to me, "I know it was for the better good but fuck the better good if it means you're hurt."

"I know I'm sorry." I reply, "I'm glad you listened to me but please don't kill Cheryl."

"Fuck Cheryl."

He kisses me, picking me up so he can wrap my legs around him which I oblige to, tilting my head slightly so he can get better access to me.

"I missed you so much," he utters as he kisses down my throat and I couldn't help but moan as he sucks on my mark.

He placed me onto the bed and I tugged at his hair so I could attach my lips to his once more.

"Ah deja vu." Devon utters as he enters the room causing me and Micah to separate. He bends down and picks up a banana that fell to the floor, "So now that you have finished eating each others faces, can we please talk about the plan?"

The door opened behind him and I look behind him to see Sapphire who looked very shocked to see me still alive, "Elise?"

"Sapph," I exclaim, Micah moves out the way so I can go and hug her, "I'm so glad you're safe."

"You're supposed to be dead." She utters, "Why are you alive? How are you alive?" She didn't really hug me back but I'm guessing it's all the shock

"Amira did a spell to make sure I stay alive." I reply

"You're working with the witches now?" 

"Actually," Devon interrupts, "We have a sort of an alliance, just to make sure we are all safe together." 

She looked so confused and pale like she's seen a ghost and I guess in some ways she has, her mind continues racing and I wish that I could tap into her head to see what she's thinking but I guess it doesn't work like that. I really need to learn how to perfect that ability.

She slowly starts to nod her head as if it's all starting to make sense and then she smiles, "Well I'm glad you're okay." 

"Okay, so tonight we'll convene and talk about tomorrow." Devon nods and Sapphire frowns

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"The attack?" I fill in, "How has no one told you?" 

"How do they know the attack is tomorrow?" Sapphire's voice rings in my brain but her mouth wasn't moving, that must have been her mind. How can I switch this on and off? 

"The army just has us training, they never told us anything." Sapphire says before looking at Devon with a harsh look, "You would think my own boyfriend would tell me."

Devon comes and wraps his arms around Sapphire whispering an apology, "It skipped my mind, we didn't know who the mole is so we never say anything."

"Mole?" she questions

"Someone is feeding information to Rekard, we don't know who so there is only a secure group of people we can trust." Micah states, "Me, Jacob and Devon are the only ones that know,"

Sapphire nods, "Please don't leave me out of things, I hate it when you do that." she directs to her boyfriend who nods his head.

"Okay, reconvene here at 9?"

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