Forgive and forget

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{Melody's Pov}

As soon as the words left my mouth the princess came and gave me a big hug, her hair smelled like Apples and she had the biggest smile I've ever seen, I even thought her smile was bigger than my dad's! She introduced herself and the hotel staff.

"Well I'm Charlie, this is Vaggie, Angel, Nifty and Husk."

I gave them a small smile and followed Charlie upstairs to the room I was staying at. Sweet Satan I wanted to kill her right then and there.


"So here's your room! If you even need anything just let me know... er, sorry I didn't catch your name what was it?"


"Oh right sorry, slipped my mind, anyways see you around Roxxi!"


The rooms looked decent, not that I cared. I send a text to Giorno and William to fly into the open window with a pink hoodie hanging out, after a few minutes both of the boys came in and sat in the bathroom.


"oh l'hai reso sicuro!"
(Oh you made it safe)

"Yes my dear, now. They all seem okay, the princess's real name is Charlie and she seems to like everyone. I don't really know how I'll find intel on mom but I suppose I could ask?"

"il mio amore, May I suggest something?"
(My love)


"Mm, perhaps you should become close friends with them and along the way pretend like you know nothing of your mother or father. Later on ask her about the Famous Overlords."

"Oh Giorno your a genius. It'll make it look as if I'm curious."

"Yeah nice work Giorno."— William boosted as he took a long drag from his cigarette.

"William!"— Melody sneered— "You can't smoke here! They don't allow it."

"Ah fuck Mels you made me drop my cigarette, anyways are you going to do? become friends with them or what? Times ticking Sis. And dad doesn't even know we're out here."

"Okay, stay hidden don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. And please don't be loud or disruptive, I know how you two get when your together."— she crossed her arms and huffed in the opposite direction.

"rilassati girasole, tutto andrà bene."
(Relax sunflower, everything will be okay.)

"Okay I'm counting on you dorks. See ya later."


Melody was cleaning up the blood from her wounds until she heard a knock on the door, she quickly put on a scared expression, Giorno became invisible and William quickly flew out of the window. She opened the door only to find Angel Dust leaning into the door frame. He asked if he could enter just to talk since he was bored and wanted to meet you.

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now