Poachers Pride pt 1

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Now Melody hold it with both hands, aim steady at where you want to shoot.. and pull the trigger. Got it?!

"Mm, daddy who do I shoot?"

"Well let's see.. who can be target practice, hmm shoot James."

"James!"— Melody recoiled and gave Alastor a sad scared look

"Darling! I was joking.. please don't cry.. w-why don't you shoot the tree over there?"

"O-okay as long as if it isn't J-James."

"No darling James isn't that tree. So shoot it!"


As you, James and William were in the sky finishing his flying lessons down below you heard gunshots from nearby, you and James stopped and held William close together in fear that someone was trying to shoot you all out of the sky, James looked around and held his gun out looking for the first rounds, he ordered you and William to slowly start descending to the grass and hide your wings.


"James, it's okay I found the little shooter."

"My lady where are they? They shouldn't be shooting around in this area, it's private property."

"No need to worry, I think this is enough flying for one day.. what do you think?"

"Of course My Lady. After you.."


Alastor was sitting on the grass right next to Melody, I'm her small hands was Alastor's favorite pistol— Bloody Mary was what he called it— Melody was looking up and watching you slowly drift down into land. You walked up to her and held out your hand, she placed the pistol in your possession and looked down at her shoes, Alastor noticed the sun had vanished for your wings we're shading the both of them, you gave Alastor a disappointed frown.


"My Melody, why were you playing with this?"

"Daddy let me."

"Oh, daddy let you play with this? Do you know what this is Melody?"— you said in a calm voice almost as a whisper.

"A gun?"

"Do you know what guns do?"

"H-hurt people?"

"Yes. They hurt people."

"Mommy? Why do the bullets glow?"

"The what?"— you loaded the firearm and shot the ground examining the bullet. This was an angels weapon.

"Melody follow James and your brother it time to wash up for dinner."

"Are you mad mommy?"

"Yes. Because you could have gotten badly hurt. But, I'm not upset with you my dear.. I'm glad you are safe. Now go my love!"

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now