Invasion of privacy.

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His ear began to twitch as he tried to discuss the baby yet the noises Vaggie made deeply moved him.

"What are we going to do about her."
"Hmm my dear good question. Well I assume we can kill her."
"Al we can't kill Vaggie, she's been locked up for awhile already, borderline starved and beaten and besides Charlie would most likely hurt us in some way. How about we question her than let her go.. like a messenger."
"Well if that's what you insist than I suppose it'll do.. just know if she tries anything than I will kill her myself."

You got up to throw away the leftovers on your plate and walking to the pantry before rolling your eyes. "That won't be necessary, I'll restrain her." Al leaned back observing you as you pulled out a rope.
It didn't take much to tie her down, the girl was tired and hungry, no one could fight for their life on an empty stomach.

"You can eat if you answer our questions, depending on how you behave than maybe you'll be freed."
"What's the c-catch."
"Well don't answer truthfully and you'll die in our basement! So how 'bout it?"

You looked at Vaggie and scoffed as a servant placed her roughly on a chair in front of the fireplace, you sat on the plump sofa as Al paced around thinking deeply. "Who sent you to be a spy. And why." She shifted uncomfortably as the heat started affecting her.

"The MorningStar royals. They wanted intel and anything useful."- He stroked his chin.
"Hmm. Why did you do it?"

She looked directly at the wedding portraits on the grand wall trying to distract herself from the current situation. "I was threatened with an angelic weapon.. they swore they'd have me erased if I didn't comply, they'd also promise me no future with Charlie."

"Why are you being so honest?"
"Because I want to see my lover again. And I see no reason to lie, by the looks of it you both are ready to beat the truth out of me anyways.."

Alastor stopped talking right as her restraints slipped away before shoving the bowl of oatmeal to her chest. "Try to escape and I'll end you myself before the MorningStar's have a chance.." he said lowly; she slowly ate and chugged the fresh water in silence, Al's mood grew sinisterly as if it manifested itself in the room causing it to feel heavy and gloomy, he sat in his rustic leather chair, something he always did when upset or deep in thought, he never was one to stay still for so long. Vaggie's back was on display as she tried inching way from the fireplace, being lost in thought a rough claw slivered down your back making you loose your breath.

"I'll be back."
"Got-got it."

Alastor chuckled before striding away upstairs with his cold hands behind his back, the floorboards creaked with his weight before making the house return to its still silence. Your eyes flickered to the girls' white hair, her torn red top and gashed tights along with her black skirt were filthy, she'd move around slightly yet never made a move to flee, you sat arms crossed with your right leg thrown over your left, the tight black dress Al picked out was absurd to wear inside the house, he's recently taken a liking to dress you up every day his reasoning. "Because you must look appealing at all times darling."

"Do you really love him?"- Vaggie spoke softly along with the crackling of the fire.
"I said. Do you really love him."
"That's respectfully none of your business. Don't over step your boundary's."
"Simple conversation. I can tell you're fucking miserable, everyone can by the way."

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now