No longer a secret.

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"Charlie what a surprise!"
"Alastor, I haven't seen you here at work in a few days. Care to explain?"
"Charlie Magne I actually.. do not have an explanation... do forgive me.."
"And Y/n you haven't came back to your room in days, are you living somewhere now?"

The blonde girl stood before the two of you as Alastor's grip loosened, you slipped off his lap and put the coat back on feeling embarrassed and ashamed trying to come up with an excuse yet nothing came out.

"I was staying at Alastor's place for awhile.. Charlie I actually had to speak to you but I got carried away a bit.."- you sheepishly admitted.

Alastor was still holding onto you as your legs crossed, his shirt was half way unbuttoned and this legs were spread out while his hat was on the other side, the music came to a halt and the tension in the room was heavy.
You got up and fixed your dress as you tossed Alastor his hat and walked over to Charlie, at the bar you heard a loud laughing it was this strange bird cat hybrid.

"BAHAHA. Wow how rare, Alastor got a fuckin' lap dance from a lap dog."- the man with the gruff voice spat out while shining some glass cups.
"Husker! How have you been."
"Better then you obviously."
"Obviously not. My dear furry friend, jealous much."- Alastor had stated firmly.

Husker said nothing, a red smoke cloud surrounded him and as it cleared away it revealed a middle aged man with thick dark hair, bushy eyebrows, dramatic sideburns and freshly pressed uniform pulled it together along with his sad gloomy eyes and his permanent frown had a peachy dead color placed upon his lips, he looked human.
Alastor took a hint and felt as if a fight was going to break out, he turned into his human form as well, both men rushed up to each other meeting eye level, husk let out a mean growl as Alastor chuckled a bit.

"Tell me Alastor, does she know about your past?"

Alastor's eyes turned into radio dials and his radio cane appeared, the voodoo symbols started flying everywhere as the atmosphere turned dark and cold, Charlie exclaimed something yet her words were lost in the loud commotion.

"I'll take that as a no, should I be the one to tell her the news?"

Alastor knocked husk down and threw him over the bar counter before rushing over to you and taped your head twice, "UNDERNEATH MY SPELL I COMMAND YOU TO SLEEP.."
And just like that you fell into his arms, his hair was a bit longer than before and his claws grew into long talons he grew a few inches, he was pissed off. Luckily you were asleep not even getting a chance to look at his horrid state.
Charlie and Angel Dust rushed over to help Husk with his injuries just before Alastor turned to leave the hotel without turning to face the group.

"Charlie?.. Stay the hell away from Y/n.. All of you stay away from her."

He opened the car door and placed you in the passenger side and buckled you up before driving off he lightly lifted your left eyelid, your eye was completely black with the retinas and irises pure white he turned his attention to look at your hands, your nails started to grow a bit; Alastor still couldn't tell what kind of demon you would become but it was for sure you were nearly close to transforming completely. He reached over and tapped your head twice again causing you to jolt up and hyperventilate, you felt a massive headache and your arms tingled slightly.

"Alastor I'd like for you to stop putting me to sleep.."

"How the hell did she even remember?? Wait she's changing she's gaining abilities."

"My dear I'm sorry for doing that um.. h-how do you feel?"
"I'm feel different, something has shifted inside of me, I feel weightless, I feel faster, more alert."
"Why that's just swell.."

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now