The cure

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Alastor was holding you in his arms, the look on his face showed concern yet to the full extent that he was also happy, he laid you down and handed you a little red pill and a glass of water, as you took and swallowed the pill everything felt normal again, no more voices and no more hazy thoughts, the only thing remaining was the dream from that night otherwise then that you felt incredibly satisfied.


"Darling how do you feel?"

"Perfectly fine! How are you tonight my love?"

"I'm.. I am decent.."

"You look scared Alastor~ are you scared?.."— you said in a snicking tone.

"Why would I be scared?.."

"I don't know! Ask yourself that. Sweet dreams Bambi~"


{Alastor's POV}

That it, she's completely lost her mind. The way I would describe it is that she's more like me, she's non stop smiling and up-toned she just looked brainwashed... maybe this is just a phase, maybe she'll get better. As a matter of fact what caused all of this? Sure I do put blame on myself but it couldn't just be me.. right? I got up and went to look at the prescription the Doctor prescribed her. He called it Caplyta, a type of antipsychotic drug to help with Schizophrenia, Y/n is seeing and hearing things, could this be the beginning of Schizophrenic behavior? or could it be something else? I walked back to the room and sat at the edge of the bed, I looked over to her sleeping peacefully, her gentle long lashes laid perfectly still, her h/c hair was beautifully messy, and her cherry tinted lips were untouched, I couldn't help myself but to go and kiss her goodnight..





"Aaalastor.. wake up~"

"Mm? Y/n? What are you doing..?"

"Get up, its 1:30 pm."


"Well you looked so peaceful I just couldn't resist!— you said while smushing your cheeks together.

"Ugh.. well, I've never really slept in like that.. I actually don't really sleep at all."

"Are you hungry dear?"

"Yes Y/n that would be lovely."

"Get in the bath I'll bring something up.."— as you were about to leave you gave Alastor a big kiss then cheerfully walked down to the kitchen.

"...Did she just.. kiss me? I think I'm dreaming.."


You happily walked downstairs and started making some hot food for Alastor, James walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water then leaned against the entrance to the kitchen.

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora