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"What is it my love?"- his staticky voice sounded rich and smooth as his half lidded eyes looked down at you listening to everything you had to say.

"I'd like to know how to use a gun. Will you teach me?"- the question had him starstruck.
"Now why on the nine rings of hell would you want to learn to use such a monstrous weapon dear? A little blow from a gun might throw you back.. or perhaps that'd be an amusing scene."

You sat up looking down at him thinking of a clear answer, in all honesty you didn't really know why you'd think of learning now yet sometimes spontaneous things are the funnest moments in life.

You moved over to gently push him down onto the bed allowing yourself to sit in his lap, Alastor had been trying on new suits for the wedding all morning yet got side tracked as his soon to be wife began toying with him.. He looked up at you as his long slender claws grabbed your waist securing your place on his lower abdomen.

"Do indulge me.. my dearest girl."- he whispered slightly as if he'd lost his breath.
"I don't know.. it was just a fun thought I had for the time being."- he smirked as he pretended to think about his answer to your ridiculous request.

"I'll have to get back to you on that, but before we can have any fun I need you to get into your wedding dress for portraits right now."

He gently slid you off of him as he got up to fix his suit, you watched his back, they way he flexibly moved, how his shoulder blades moved with the fine fabrics, traveling down to his slender waist being held tight and firm from the suit made you shiver a bit.

"(Y/n) did you not hear me the first time?"
"No.. I heard you I just. Spaced out..."

Alastor walked over to the wedding dress bringing it to your side, in times like these it was fun to piss him off just for shits and giggles, you stayed seated on the edge of the bed as he stood before you, the look on his face was a bit sinister, his wide toothy smile with his narrowed glowing red eyes starred you down, this game.. the feeling of being his pray and him your predator was thrilling and nerve wrenching.

"You do as your told."- he said dangerously low
"Mmhm"- you agreed slyly.

Your leg had stretched up and gently landed on his chest, his hand had guided up to your thigh as he stripped away the black mesh pantyhose exposing your skin to the cool air, he repeated that again before bending down and lead a trail of kisses and nibbles up your center thigh.

The room was extremely cold yet your body was on fire, his head in between your flushed thighs before he turned to look up at you. It drove you sideways, yet Alastor too knew how to play this game, he slipped your clothing off and forced you into the wedding gown before kissing your cheek.

"I always win in these kinds of games. Don't ever make me ask you twice (Y/n)."- he stated flatly as his hand lightly gripped the tip of your chin pointing your nose up at him.

Before you got the chance to open your smart ass mouth the door bell rang loudly downstairs, Alastor being inches away from your lips set you down and looked into your eyes strongly, a quick kiss was left as he rushed down to open the door and greet a gentleman.

"Beck the pleasure is mine, please come in. Excuse my wife she'll be down in a few make yourself at home."
"My your home is quite lovely Mr.Deern, thank you."

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now