Dont forget.. 6 o'clock

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{Alastor's Pov}

When we got into the car Y/n was quiet and tired, she didn't say a word the whole time she only stared out the window looking at the passing trees.. this is not what I wished for, none of it. Once we arrived to the mansion she stayed seated in the car looking at the front door. I opened her door and offered to help her out and into the house.


"My dear.. would you like me to help you?"

"No, Alastor I didn't forget how to walk, I'm just tired."

"Oh I see, you were starting to scare me."


Alastor moves out of your way holding onto his coat, the papers and the prescription. As you walked up to the door James was busy cooking dinner making the whole house smell delicious, you sat down on the red sofa and called Hades over to sit next to you, the whole time Alastor just stood and watched. While James finished cleaning the dishes, Diamond came into the living room with a glass of water and one of the red pills, Alastor had walked over to the patio and opened the doors to let some fresh air in, James approached Alastor and gave him a cigarette even though Alastor only smoked the finest Cigars, Alastor's hair began to grow before everyone's eyes.


"James I don't smoke Cigarettes.."

"I personally don't see a difference, it's just the wrapper of a cigar is a tobacco leaf and it's packed with more tobacco, a cigarette is just wrapped in paper and has a bit less tobacco."

"Yeah I suppose you're right."

"So Alastor, what are you planning to do with her?"— James and Alastor looked over their shoulders to face you for a split second.

"Just take care of her and count the days down til she's due."

"Oh, yea makes sense, hey what ever happened to the young Rabbit girl?"

"Oh haha! One day she admitted that she was sexually attracted to Y/n, which actually really disturbed me! so I gave her to Vox and the rest is history! Hahaha."— Alastor exclaimed as he took another long drag from his cigarette.

"Oh I see.. well she was nice and very beautiful."

"Say James, why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Eh I don't know, I'm just to busy right now, and quite frankly I'm just not interested... at least not right now."he looked down at his cigarette.


As both men continued to talk and finish their cigarettes, both were startled by your screams and glass shattering, they both got up and rushed to your aid, Alastor picked you up while James cleaned the glass, it was one of your wedding photos.


"Y/n! Darling what happened? Are you okay?"

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now