4 cell walls

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⚠️minor abuse⚠️


After being thrown down in the cellar the horrific stench of rotting flesh filled the air getting a gag out of you, while blood dampened the cold concrete. There were no windows or little slots to peak out of and the thought of it being day or night went over your head.
On your ankles were shackles and for your wrist were tied up. How can one claim to not be sadistic when they clearly do this for their own amusement. You sat up looking for something to break the shackles before trying to remember the fight with Alastor.

You tried moving around to your best abilities on your hands and knees until a slimy, rubbery texture made contact with your hand, you squinted then kicked away the object, most likely it was either Stolas or Valentino's intestines, just as things couldn't get worse their very corpses were dangling above in the air, both bodies slowly decaying; the smell was putrid and the sight was disturbing. It was all disturbing.. Alastor's sick idea to chain you up and lock you away, the brutal murders of these royals. Being swarmed with memories and mixed feelings you backed away into a corner before getting up and start screaming and pounding on the wall.


After the small meltdown the door leading upstairs opened and sweet warm light poured into the desolate cave, the sight of the decayed bodies was mortifying. Alastor came down with a bowl and a cup, he dismissed the bodies as if they weren't there only coming closer before placing them on the floor in front of you.

"Awake still? I'd figure you'd tire yourself out."
"Couldn't have the decency to clean up?"
"Me? Clean this up? Don't you remember who made this mess in the first place?"

He turned to look at the damage before turning to look at you.

"I'd say it was you since all you do is make messes and never clean them up."

His eyes widened as he rushed in with inhuman speed, his claws wrapped around your neck slamming the back of your skull into the solid wall, the grip he had on your neck kept you awake as you tried not to go unconscious. "You ungrateful bitch. You fucking lousy excuse of a wife. I didn't cause this you did. You did it. Now don't lose your spark yet! Look look!" He grabbed you by the hair dragging your face along with your limbs to look at the bodies. "Oh don't look away! You did this. Yes. Yesyesyesyes! You did it! You raging bitch, an unkept dog, un-muzzled rabid dog."

The numbing sensation radiated all over your body, he continued to scream as you laid there limp, half listening to his ramblings. "How is it that I'm the monster when simply all I do is take care of you? do I have it wrong? You attacked me like a wild animal so I'll treat you like one." He said sing-fully, before leaving you again he took one more look as you covered your face blocking his gaze. "I always topple you down."

You watched the light from upstairs slowly close as his heavy footsteps from above faded away, it was always like you to cry, crying felt good, it made things better after while. Using whatever energy left in you to pull your knees up to your chest and cry, after while the tears had stopped and silence filled the air again.

"If Alastor trapped me down here for a reason it's because I did something wrong.. knowingly I did nothing wrong and he's a dramatic man. I'd just have to give into his theatrics and play along for awhile.. soon I'd have my heel digging into his skull as he kisses the grown I walk on.. but I have to regain my energy."

The man with half a heart.        Alastor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now