Chapter 15

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One Year Later



Will smiled as he watched Tommy crawl up to him and use him to stand up. The little baby grabbed at Will's face and gurgled. Will chuckled and bounced the boy on his knee causing the little baby to laugh happily.

"I think he missed you a lot."

Will looked up at his mother as she entered the room with a cup of coffee.

"I missed him too," Will confessed.

"He keeps a picture of him in his wallet." Nico said as he sat down next to Will.

Tommy brightened up when he saw the son of Hades and squirmed into Nico's lap.

"He likes me better." Nico teased his boyfriend.

Will pouted and gave Tommy a betrayed look. Tommy just giggled and babbled at Nico.

The relationship between Will and his mother was still strained but they were still trying to make it work. That's all that Will could ever hope for. Naomi was actually treating Nico as part of the family now much to Will's relief. He had Jed to thank for that.

"Why don't you feed him and put him down for the night?" Naomi suggested.

Nico looked at her surprised, "Are you sure?"

"Don't look so happy, do you know how hard it is to change him out of those clothes and into new ones? Also changing his diaper and then the actual putting him to sleep part." Will grumbled.

Nico stood and propped Tommy on his hip, "Yeah, but he likes me better."

Will stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend and pouted, Nico just chuckled and went off to the kitchen to get Tommy's bottle.

Will looked at Jed and his mother, "Thank you for inviting us over for Christmas."

Naomi smiled, "Well let's just say Tommy wasn't the only one who missed you and Nico."

"Yeah, Nico promised to teach me how to salsa dance," Mary said.

"Nico also promised to teach me how to make Italian Pizza," Alyc, formerly Alyce, added in.

"He told me he would teach me how to speak Italian." Jed said.

"He told us he would play with us!" Alma and Susie declared.

Will pouted, "Why do you get the feeling you like Nico more than me?"

"No, we care about you." Alyce said. "But if you ever break up with Nico we're going to take his side."

"But I'm your family!" Will yelled.

The Parker family paused at that and grinned at Will.

"What?" Will mumbled, suddenly uncomfortable.

Rosey grinned, her sisters grinned too.

"You just called us your family," Rosey grinned.

Will frowned, "Well you are."

Will shrieked as his sisters jumped on him happily and tackled him with hugs.

"You never called us that before."

"Stop killing my boyfriend."

The siblings looked up just in time to see Nico coming down the stairs with an empty bottle.

"That was quick," Will said.

"I told you, he likes me better."

Will just huffed, "You know, if Nico and I get married that would make him your brother in law."

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