Chapter 8

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"How are you holding up?" Nico asked as he entered the room. He crawled into the bed and relaxed.

Will sighed and pulled Nico closer to his body. Nico rolled on his side and cuddled closer to his boyfriend.

"I don't know." Will mumbled into Nico's hair.

Nico sighed and looked up so he could meet the blue eyes he loved so much. "I'm here if you ever want to talk." he said after a while.

"I know."

Nico sighed and just let Will hold him in silence. He closed his eyes and kissed Will's hand. Will looked down and stroked Nico's cheek. He rolled over so that he was facing Nico and pressed his forehead against Nico's.

Nico blinked his eyes open and wiped a tear from Will's cheek. He hated seeing how much pain Will was in but there really wasn't anything he could do that wouldn't make the situation worse.

"Can you just stay here with me?" Will asked after a moment.

"Sure." Nico agreed easily. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.


Alana giggled and pulled Anita's hand towards the door to the Parker household. Her parents told her that Naomi's baby was just born and had told her to bring over some homemade cookies. She had called her girlfriend and invited her along.

Jed opened the door and let them in.

"My mom made cookies for you," Alana told him holding out the plate.

"Thank you." Jed took the plate and gratefully.

Alana followed Jed deeper into the house.

"So where's the baby?"

"He's sleeping right now, actually."

Alana grinned, "It's a boy?"

"Yeah. He's beautiful."

"What's his name?"


"Thomas? That's so cute. Tommy Parker."


Anita frowned and looked around. "W-where is Will and all his friends? Did they all leave already?"

Jed frowned at that.

"Will moved out of the house. He said he couldn't stand it here anymore. He moved to the cabins. We haven't seen any of them since the baby was born yesterday. I'm concerned but whenever I go and check on them one of them will just tell me they're all okay and politely tell me to leave."

Alana bit her lip, "Why did Will leave? Did he say?"

"It's not my place to tell. Go ask him. I'm sure they'd let you in."

A loud cry interrupted them. Jed smiled, "Tommy's awake. Do you want to meet him?"

The girls nodded and followed Jed upstairs.

"Where's Naomi?" Anita asked.

"She's preparing for the wedding. It's been moved up to this weekend. She needs a new dress."

"She just left the baby here?" Alana frowned at that.

"Yeah. It's okay though. She left some bottles of breast milk."

"That's not the point. She just had the baby. Shouldn't she be here to bond with him?" Alana asked.

Jed didn't respond. He just led them into a room and lifted a small bundle out of the crib in the middle. He cooed at the little boy and cradled him in his arms.

Your Guardian AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon