Chapter 9

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Mommy! Mommy!"

A bright yellow blur raced up towards a pretty blonde woman and flung his little body at her. The woman laughed and lifted the boy onto her hip and ruffled his hair.

"Look what I made for you!"

The little boy lifted up a poorly made heart and handed it to the woman. "It's an ornament." The boy said proudly. He had been practicing saying the word all day at school and was happy he was able to say it correctly.

"It's beautiful Will," She said with a pretty smile. Her eyes sparkling at the joy on her sons face.

Will grinned, his first two teeth were missing but he didn't care. He got a whole nickel for each tooth!

"You think so? Really?"

"Yeah. I think I know just where to put this."


She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "On the tree."

Will's eyes widened and he grinned. "We have a tree?" he asked with complete joy in his voice.

"Yep! I bought it today." she told him with a matching grin that made her seem even more beautiful.

Naomi carried Will home and had him close his eyes so he wouldn't see the tree. She put him down and guided him into the house and stood him in front of the tree.

"Are your eyes closed?" She asked leaning over to cover the boys eyes with her hands.

Will giggled and nodded. "Yeah!"

"Okay. Open them!" she took away her hands and took a step back.

Will opened his eyes and gasped at the pathetic looking tree in front of him. Half it's pines were gone and it was leaning sadly to the left. It was rather small but Will loved it anyways.

"I know it's not much," Naomi started.

She was cut off by Will wrapping his arms around her legs and smiled.

"I love it! It's the best tree ever!" he told her honestly. He stared at the tree with childlike amazement and laughed. "It's perfect!"

"It's not perfect." Naomi smiled. "Not yet."

Will frowned, confused.

Naomi handed Will his ornament back and kneeled down. "We need to decorate the tree."

Will jumped up excitedly. "Can I do it? Please mommy! Please!"

Naomi smiled and ruffled Will's blonde locks. "Of course sweetie."

Will pumped his fist with a joyful 'Yes!' and ran towards the tree. He stood on his tippy toes and placed the ornament the highest he could. Once he placed it in the perfect spot he stepped back to admire his work.

He turned around and stared at his mother expectantly. Naomi just smiled and lifted her son onto her hip.

"This is the prettiest tree I had ever seen!" Naomi told him earning a bright smile.


"Yeah! How about we bake some cookies to celebrate!"

Will giggled and grinned. "Yeah!"

Naomi leaned down and kissed Will on the cheek. Will squeaked and squirmed.


Naomi just laughed and carried her son to the kitchen.


"Mommy? Why don't I have a daddy like the other kids do?" Will asked sadly as he kicked his legs in the sand below the swing he was on.

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