"Why?" He asked me. "Were you worried about me?" He made it so obvious that he had noticed I had worn the bracelet. Not like I didn't want him to see, I was making it glitter with the sun rays on purpose. He narrowed his gaze to the bracelet on my wrist, placing his wrist on the table so I could see his too. Why was he being goofy now?

"As if." I quickly reached for my maths textbook from my bag just so he didn't try to get all corny with me again. I had an assignment that was due the next day. He didn't believe me, with the way I just acted, I doubted if anyone could ever believe me.

I opened my textbook immediately, flipping the pages angrily. Doing my homework was the only way I could subdue my anger and hold it in. It was the only way I could avoid looking at him.

"If you wanted to see me so badly, you should have just called my Mum, she'd have sent you an address." I ignored him. "I moved my Dad out of the hospital, my mum and I have to take care of him now. I always forget to take my phone off silent or out of my pockets."

"Why?" I didn't bother to look at him. "Why did you take your Dad out of the hospital?"

When Nanny had told us that she was moving out of our house, neither my mum nor me knew why she wanted to. I guess it had something to do with what he just said about his father. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing really."

I exhaled. Of course he wasn't going to tell me. I shook my head and then buried my eyes into my textbook. It had been three days since we were given the assignment and I was still stuck on number three. It wasn't just me, everyone in our class was. It was a "simple" equation according to our professor, but no one could answer it yet. I remembered how all the so called math gurus had come together to try and solve it but I heard they always got hooked towards the end. I on the other hand, I had no idea what was in front of me. I had a hard time answering the first two questions and I wasn't trying to give myself a shot at the third, it never worked anyway. I planned to copy answers from whoever that got it first in class tomorrow, every single thing. Looking at the letters already gave me a headache, i exhaled weakly.

"Twenty-two." I slowly turned to Jeremiah who had his eyes buried in his book still. What did he just say? I watched him turn to me slowly, looking at me through his square shaped reading glasses. "X is twenty-two." He pointed into my textbook with his eyes. Did he just tell me the answer to my assignment? I blinked.

"It's a simple equation." He continued as he pulled my textbook closer to him so we could both share it. "Start off with finding its probability, use the quadratic formula to find Z, round it up with a quadratic equation to find X and Y. X is equals to twenty-two."

I scoffed. .

He scoffed right back.
"I could tell just by looking at it, how come none of you could get it right?" He whispered loud enough for me to hear.

How on earth did he look so cool and sexy at the same time talking about the values of X and Y? I gulped hard and the moment I realized I was staring too hard.

"Anyone that sees you would think you actually know what you're saying." I told him. It wasn't just possible that he could get the answer right.  He was Jeremiah Ozor, everyone knew he wasn't close to the brightest when it came to actual learning. I was way better than him and I was horrible. I'd always pick the fifty something-th position over being the last in the entire math class, old money combined. I rolled my eyes, so much for an attempt to show off.

My phone beeped.

Churn! Churn!
There were texts from my class' group chat. I exhaled and then slowly reached for it, praying really hard that we didn't have any emergency classes.

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