At Peace

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The Final part!

You open your eyes feeling a warmth around you.
As you stir shifting where you lye you can feel a soft quilt and pillows.
Looking round you see your in a room.
"I don't remember coming here." You think to yourself as you sit up.
Eyes a little more open you take in your surroundings.
Your in Jimin's room.
You look over to the chair by the window to see Jimin fast asleep in it.
Smiling slightly before the tears start to fall. You curl your legs up to your chest as you wrap your arms around your knees, burying your head slowing the tears to fall freely.
You sit there quietly crying wondering how you got here and how you ever deserved Jimins help.
You don't notice Jimin waking up.
"Huh." You look up to see Jimin has come say on the edge of the bed.
"Y/N please your safe now." He reaches to stroke your hair, but you flinch at his touch. Crying even more.
"I'm so sorry."
"Oh sweetheart.. you have nothing to be sorry about."
Jimin climbs into the bed sitting next to you. He wraps his arm around you pulling you gently into his embrace allowing you to cry on to his chest as you cuddle into him.
"See I'm not going to hurt you I promise."
Jimin says as he rubs your arm softly trying to calm you down.
"I'm so sorry I should never have believed him I should never have gone back."
"It's ok you have nothing to be sorry about."
"But I'm worthless Jimin. I'm such and idiot, so dumb for even believing Sehun.
Did you know he was sleeping with Leila. How could I not see that. I got there and they turned up and I tried to leave but...."
You break down even more the tears falling faster as you try to explain to Jimin what happened.
"You don't have to tell me, just please know you are not worthless."
"But I am Jimin she was my best friend and her and Sehun..... it was just painful and I didn't want to but....."
"It's ok, they won't hurt you again I promise. They won't come near you."
Jimin pulls away from you lightly lifting your chin so he can look at your face as he talks.
"Y/N do you know how long you have been sleeping for?"
"Not really a couple hours"
Jimins soft smile confuses you.
"Sweetheart you have been asleep for nearly two days. I found you on the park bench when I got worried you were not answering me. So I came looking for you.
When I saw you lying there all beaten and tested stained I new what had happened."
"Two days..." you are in shock." You realise that you don't feel the physical pain as much as before. That your body is not stiff. You look down only just noticing that your wearing one of Jimins Over sized hoodies.
"Yes two days. You must have been physically and mentally drained to sleep for so long. You stored a few times but never really woke up. While you were sleeping though I made a few calls."
"What do you mean calls?" You look at Jimin, your face must read worried.
"No don't worry I got some one to come sit with you while I showed the police where Sehun lived. I explained my concerns. I didn't move you from the bench until they had come and seen you. But with you sleeping they said they to bring you home and they would talk to you when you are ready."
"Oh so Se....." you flinch at the name trying to make its way out your mouth.
"Him and Leila have been arrested and questioned. They both claim it's what you wanted but the police are not convinced. Something to do with stories do not add up. But please don't worry about all this, we can worry about it later."
"But.... Jimin why? How could you want to help me, look at me I'm a mess."
"Y/N please believe me when I say I Love you. That I would do anything for you.
I know it will be hard for you for a while to believe this but I will be here waiting."
Jimin softy hugs you tighter. Making sure he does not hurt you.
"So the police?"
"When you are ready. They said I'm to call them when you are ready to talk."
"Ok can you call them please?"
You look at Jimin his sweet smile looking back at you.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, but do I have to you know....."
"No I can get the police to come here to you. You don't have to see anyone ok."
Jimin gets up and grabs his phone, as he makes the phone call you take a deep breath.
"I can do this." You mutter to yourself.
"I need to do this."
You know if you do not say or do anything then Sehun has won. The way he treated you was just wrong and the same with Leila.
You still think it was mostly your fault for letting it happen, but part of you knows it was not and that's the part that needs to speak up. Needs to tell someone and get it all sorted.

Sat at the kitchen table talking to the police, fresh tears falling down your cheeks.
You explain everything, how saying stop or No was hard how you wanted to but the words just wouldn't come out.
The police officers are so nice and understanding!
They have brought a nurse with them to take photos, of all your bruises.
As you finish up, the police smile and say they have will make sure that Sehun and Leila are charged. And that with your statement you will be ok not to have to see them again.
Smiling with relief you thank them for helping you and head back to the bed room.
Feeling drained after the interview you just want to take a nap.
Jimin has had to go to work, which you are ok with as you don't want him getting into trouble because of you.
You already feel bad enough that you have no clothes here and that your living in Jimins hoodies and joggers.
Curling up in bed you drift off to sleep.


Jumping awake as you feel someone place a hand on your shoulder, you look round to see Jimin sitting on the side of the bed.
"I'm sorry." He looks so concerned.
"It's ok, just you know...."
"I get it. It will take time for you to feel comfortable, but I just wanted you to know that I grab some clothes for you on my way home.
It's not much as I'm not sure on your sizes but I got some joggers and hoodies and a few tops. I'll take you shopping when you feel up to going out to get some other stuff."
You look down at what your wearing, feeling guilty all of a sudden.
Jimin sees the tears start to form, he climbs on the bed pulling you into his arms. Hugging you gently.
"I'm sorry, I think you look so cute in my clothes, I just thought you would want some of your own. I didn't mean to upset you."
"It's ok, just Jimin....."
You look up to look at his face.
His so cute, kind and gentle. Always thinking of you and putting you first.
"Jimin I want to say thank you, you have been amazing to me. And i know I don't deserve it, but just thank you."
"Y/N believe me when I say you deserve it. And I'm going to be here always. No matter what I am here for you."
Smiling you cuddle up to Jimin not wanting him to let go. You feel safe in his arms. Calm and relaxed.
"Y/N I love you." Jimin places a kiss on the top of your head. As you close your eyes drifting back off to sleep, mumbling softly,
"I love you to."

Everyone is good enough!
Never let anyone ever make you feel otherwise!
Love and smiles to all!
Stay healthy and smiley!

Instagram @fanfic_forarmy

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