Consuming you

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Sat up the corner of your bedroom, arms wrapped around your knees.
You sit there tears falling down your cheeks feel Brocken.

"Look at her babe..."
You glance up to see Your best friend Leila pointing at you giggleing.
"So pathetic, crying like that. It's not like we didn't just show her a good time, you think she would be happy wanting more."

"Your sick!" You try to shout out.
All it Sehun does is laugh. Turning round as he starts to kiss Leila again.
"Well if she don't want to join in then she can just watch."
With that Sehun lys Leila down as he starts to eat her out.
Not wanting to watch or hear this.
Leila moans making you feel sick.
You slowly move to standing leaning against the wall as you manage to get your legs to walk.
Trying not to make any noise as you leave the room.
You don't think either would notice even if you did make noise.
Heading down the stairs you grab some cloths, looking for your phone.
Grabbing it you head out the front door.

Your a mess, your body even more Broken than before.
Tears falling down your checks, you start to feel like you have no where to go.
Your phones not working, it seems to have been smashed at some point.
Your sure it's when Sehun threw you at Leila. The way she grabbed you, wrapping your top off. It must have fallen out.
You mumble to your self.
You don't want to go back inside the house to phone Jimin. But all you want right now is Jimin to come pick you up.

Slowly you start to walk. Heading in the direction of jimins.

While walking all you can think about is Sehun.
They way he used to be, the way he used to treat you like glass.
Never wanting to hurt you, never wanting to let anyone hurt you.
But now his there screwing your best friend.
And Leila your best friend you did everything with her.
The girls trips, random coffee dates and just girly chats.
How could she do this to you.
She new everything about you. How it was hard for you to sleep with Sehun. How you hated things about yourself which stopped you.
That's why it took you so long to do so.
She new you loved him.
The only thing you ever kept from her is Jimin and what was going on between you to.
Your glad you didn't now.
You have no idea why your hurt so much by all this. It's not like you didn't sleep with Jimin.
It's not like your didn't have feeling for him, you were even considering leaving Sehun for him.
Your head is so messed up.


It seems like it's been hours, you sit on a the bench at the park tears still falling.
You don't want I go to Jimins you can't face him.
The only thoughts that keep going round your head,
"He will think your stupid."
More tears fall as your head becomes more messed up.
"How could he want me now, I'm a mess so nasty and bruised. I'm not worth his time now."
You just mumble over and over to yourself.

Not moving when the rain starts to fall. You let it wash away the tears.
Letting the cold air brush over your body.
Feeling the shivers take control.
You didn't want to move even though your body is starting to freeze.
All you wanted was to disappear, let he rain wash you away. The wind take your pain and hurt.
Shivering you lye down, curling up letting your eyes close.
Letting the rain wash a way the pain.

Hope you like!
Never let darkness take over. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel even if it don't feel like it at that point in time.

Instagram fanfic_forarmy

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