Chapter 1

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You leave your boyfriend's dorm telling him you are heading to a friends house. His so caring  he would never think you were lying to him.
"Ok babe well I'll see you when you get back. I have some stuff to sort out at the studio." Sehun says as you hug him bye.
Heading down the stairs he has no idea that you are heading to meet Jimin.
An old friend whom you have been meeting up with recently behind sehun's back. If he knew he would go mad.
Nothing bad has happened, well.... not told the other night when Jimin kissed you. You know you should have pulled away but you couldn't. You stood there and melted into the kiss.
But you felt so bad you have decided to tell Jimin that you can not see him any more. You love Sehun and don't want to loose him.
Getting into your car you pick up your phone messaging Jimin you are on your way then start to drive.
You can not help but think doing this in person is wrong. That in text would be easier.
You find your self lost in thought, comparing Sehun to Jimin.
Sehun is soft and gentle never wants things unless you do. Your relationship is simple and fun. Nothing more, he don't push you into anything even though sometimes you wish he would. He treats you like your a glass doll not to be Brocken or touched.
Where as Jimin is fun and playful, he hugs you tights let's you do dangerous things. Treats you as if you are living and want to live. His kiss was passion filled where as sehuns are soft filled with love.
The taste of Jimins lips has never left yours.
You find yourself out side Jimins place. His message back to you was he was in his studio to come find him. So that's what you do.
You head to his studio, with full intent on telling him the kiss was a mistake and you don't want to see him again.
That's till he opens the door.
The look in Jimins eyes is lust.

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