Thinking back

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Stirring from a deep sleep, you role over wrapping your arms round Sehun.
Cuddling into his chest.
You sigh as you as he wraps his arm around you kissing your forehead.
"Morning sweet."
'Moving you off him slightly he sits.
"Sweet I got a long day at work today so I'll be home late, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? You know maybe hang out at the dance studio for a bit. It's up to you."
You move yourself to sitting as you think back to the day before and Jimin.
Guilt washes through you, knowing that you love Jimin. But you know you love Sehun as well. You just don't know what to do.
Knocking you out of your daze. Sehun nudges you.
"Yeah I'll come with you will be fun to hang out for the day, well watch you dance."
You smile and lean over giving him a kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck as you move your self closer to him pulling him in for a deeper kiss. His arms take your waist gently, as he melts into the kiss.
As you pull away you smiling you say.
"I love you babe."
"I love you to!"
Sehun looks confused from your Sudden passion.
Getting out of bed you go to the bathroom to get sorted.
Deciding you have time for a shower, you undersea and climb in, letting the hot water wash away any worries.
After a couple of minutes you think back to just over a week ago in Jimins studio.
You may have been with him again yesterday but all you did then was mess around playing music and cuddling.
But your starting to wish every time was like last week.
How his hands moved over your body. The rough kisses from his soft lips. His fingers inside you as his tongue worked it's magic on your clit.
You felt your self getting needy but knew Sehun wouldn't understand. You have never been like this before so to be like it now would make him suspicious.
Thinking back to Jimins hands caressing your body, slowly you move your hand down hesitating for a second before you start to rub your clit.
Allowing yourself to relax into your actions.
Imagining Jimins sweet lips sucking your clit as his fingers enter you moving at a slow pace.
Allowing your fingers to slide down your folds teasing yourself before they enter your core, pumping their way into you as you feel your climax coming.
Keeping your soft moans as quiet as possible your feel your orgasm wash over you.
Your breathing slightly heavier, Smiling to yourself you finish your shower
getting out you throw on your oversized hoodie and jeans.
Walking out to Sehun waiting for you.
You place a kiss on his lips.
"Totally let's go."

I'll be honest this is not the best,
But let me know what you think in comments.
Always welcome feedback.

Instagram fanfic_forarmy

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