Cute Date!

124 7 1

You take a seat at a table by outside the cafe while you wait for Jimin.
"Hey Y/N" you hear a cheer voice say from behind you.
Looking round you see Jimin coming towards you.
You instantly smile,
"Hey Jimin."
"So fancy sitting inside it's a little cosier than out here." Jimin says as he brushes his hand across your shoulder. Trying to hide a flinch as he brushes over a bruise, you get up.
"Sure." Smiling you follow Jimin into the cafe.
You find a cosy table up the corner.
Jimin pulls out the chair for you to sit down but as you do you flinch at him touch your shoulder.
Slowly sitting you smile.
"It's ok I'm just feeling a little worse for wear today. You know being a woman and all."
Jimin smiles.
"Well I can help with that."
He disappears off, coming back with two large slices of chocolate cake.
"Maybe this will help. And the lady is bringing over two large hot chocolates as well." Jimin smiles as he takes a seat.
"So what you been up to since I saw you last?"
"Urm not much working on designs for my page."
"I did notice you had some new designs on your page. You know your super talented right.."
Blushing you take a mouth full of cake.
"And super cute as well." Jimin smirks at you, while you try not to spit out cake.

You sit there for hours eating cake giggling and smiling at Jimin and his jokes. He never fails to put a smile on your face.
"You know I like seeing you smile, it lights up a room."
"Stop will ya."
"Why, making you blush makes you cuter."
Jimin giggles at you looking lost at his complement.
"Urm your phone ringing."
Looking at your phone it's Sehun.
"His meant to be at the studio."
Answering the phone, your smile fades as you hear Sehun practically shouting at you down the phone.

"I'm out with a friend sorry."
"Your meant to be at home. I'm here waiting for you and your not here."
"I didn't realise we had plans sorry."
"You should just know, now if you no what's good for you, you will be home with in the next hour."

You hang up the phone tears practically falling, you look at Jimin.
"I'm sorry iv got to go."
Getting up you practically fall back down. You had forgotten how sore everything was.
"Y/N are you ok?"
"Yeah just Sehun needs me to come home. Sorry I'll message you."
"Ok well this was nice, so don't leave it to long to message."
Jimin smiles at you as he gives you a hug. Your hoping he has not noticed you flinch at his touch.

Moving as fast as you can you head home. Dreading what Sehun has in store for you.

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