Moring after

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You can't move you just lie there let Sehun do what ever he wants.
When ever you try to move, go one top or just kiss him he get rougher with you to the point it hurts.
You practically screams in your ear as his cum's inside you.
Flopping next to you. He wraps his arms around your waist pulling you in to his chest for cuddles.
"I love you Y/N"
"I love you too." You whisper back as you hold back tears.
You cuddle in to Sehun as he kisses the top of your head.
"That's nice." You think to yourself realising the Sehun is back to his normal caring self.
Smiling slightly you feel yourself drift off to sleep in his arms.

The next morning you wake feeling sore.
Moving you notice Sehun is not In bed but he has left a note..

Y/N gone to the studio will see you later!
Love Sehun.

Sighing with relief, you slowly get out of bed and head to the bathroom.
Your legs are stiff and your body aches. Your so saw from how rough Sehun was last night you don't think you will be able to have sex again for at least a week.
Climbing in the shower you let the hot water relax your body as you wash over it with soap.
Brushing against a couple of bruises from when Sehun bit you.
"Ow." You flinch.
You can not help it as you start to cry.
"What happened to him?" You mutter to yourself.
Knowing how Sehun was with you was bad. You decide next time your going to be more forceful and just say No.

After a while in the shower you get out drying off and putting on a very oversized hoodie and jeans.
You tie your hair up in a loose pony and grab your phone.
You want fresh air so you decide to take a walk.
As our leaving you get a message..

Hey Y/N
Fancy meeting up for a cuppa.
Promise no funny business😁 just really want to see you.

Smiling at the message. You quickly reply.

Hey Jimin
Sure, mind you wouldn't get anything out of me today as it's the wrong time of the month.😝
But a cuppa and a chat sounds good. Meet you at the little cafe by the park.
In 20.

You put your phone back in your pocket and head out.
You hope your excuse is good enough and it would also help explain why your so saw with out Jimin asking questions.
Thinking nothing more of it you head off to the cafe to meet Jimin.

Short but worth it.
Will update again soon!
Let me know what your thinking in the comments!

Instagram: @fanfic_forarmy

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