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"hey jungkook, did you hear about the new kid?" hoseok, jungkook's best friend, asks. jungkook gives him a look of confusion. "yeah i've heard about him. why?" he asks, confused on why hoseok was so worked up about a new kid.

"well i talked to him a little. his name is taehyung, he has two twin siblings who are twins. may i put out there, him and his siblings are very attractive. he's from daegu and-" hoseok is cut off suddenly by jungkook.

"seok, why do i need to know all of this?" he asks, looking back down at his phone. "because he plays lacrosse," hoseok tells him. jungkook just nods and starts to unlock his locker. "that's cool, a new teammate is always good for us." he says.

jungkook happens to be the team captain of the seoul lacrosse team. all three years that him, hoseok, jimin, and taemin have been on the team, they haven't lost a game. he's quite proud of being the captain, but he doesn't like to rub it in everyone's faces.

"listen kook. he's a goalie just like you." hoseok tells his best friend. jungkook looks at hoseok, giving him that look. "he's probably not even that good, plus i'm the captain. coach can't give my position to a new player."

he proceeds to open his locker, grabbing his books and closing his locker. him and hoseok begin to make their way to their first period class. "but what if he is good?! there's been articles written about him!" he says, arms flailing as he talks.

jungkook scoffs. "whatever, we'll be fine." he says as he enters his first period and sits in his desk. "kook, look him up. i promise you'll find something." hoseok tries to convince jungkook.

jungkook looks at him and sighs. "fine, but we're not going to find anything." he says as he types in the boys name. as soon as he presses the search button, tons of articles and pictures of the boy pop up on jungkook's phone.

he decided to tap the first article.


kim taehyung, 17, has been announced that many d-1 scholarship offers have come his way. "honestly it's shocking," he tells us. "to know that the best lacrosse teams in the country even know my name is insane to me."
the junior...

jungkook looks back at hoseok. "okay maybe we do have something to worry about." he says. "look! he's been scouted by korea university, seoul national university, even korean national sports university!" he half-yells at hoseok.

hoseok just shrugs while crossing his legs. "i told you, he's a big deal in lacrosse." he tells the boy. "also, you have something to worry about. not me. remember, i'm a midfielder not a goalie." he says winking at jungkook with a playful smile on his face.

jungkook exits out of the article and leans over to hit his friend on the head. "shut the hell up. i'll be fine, colleges have scouted me before too." he says, jealousy rolling off of his tongue.

right after he says that sentence the bell rings, signifying the beginning of class. the teacher walks in and goes to the front of the room.

"good morning, everyone! we have a new student who will be joining our class today!" she says, looking towards the door.

'don't be him, don't be him, don't be him.' jungkook thinks.

as everyone looks over at the door, the boy jungkook was hoping wouldn't walk through the door, walks through the door. he has jet black curly hair and pretty tan skin.

'he's pretty cute. wait, no you can't like boys jungkook!' jungkook's head is just a whole mess at the moment, and that's saying it nicely.

if that doesn't say much, jungkook is struggling with his sexuality. the only person who knows is hoseok. he told hoseok because hoseok happens to have a boyfriend who's a senior. his name is yoongi, and he plays for the schools basketball team.

jungkook knows he likes girls, at least that's what he thinks. he knows he finds boys attractive, but he wishes he didn't. his family is very religious and is very much against homosexuality. he's been raised to think that is not a good lifestyle.

his parents don't even know about hoseok being gay and having a boyfriend. he has to keep it a secret if he wants to continue having hoseok as a friend.

"why don't you introduce yourself?" the teacher says, motioning towards the boy. "hi! i'm kim taehyung and i just moved here from daegu. i play lacrosse and i have 3 siblings, two of them are actually seniors." he says, smiling a beautiful box smile.

"great! tell us about your siblings, what are they like?" the teacher asks. "well, i have a little sister named taemi and she's 7. and my older siblings are seokjin and jennie, they're 18 and they're twins. they're actually seniors this year!" he tells the class.

when he finishes, you can hear the girls and some boys whispering about taehyung.

"he's so hot!"
"he plays lacrosse?"
"he's super cute!"
"what will jungkook think of him?"

"how lovely! i noticed you mentioned that you play lacrosse! jungkook, here, is actually the captain of the lacrosse team here at seoul high school!" the teacher tells the new boy.

"jungkook will you please stand up?" she says politely. "yes ma'am." he grumbles. he stands up and stares the boy right in the eyes. taehyung smiles at him and nods his head. "it'll be nice having you as a teammate, jungkook." he says very nicely.

"yeah, you too." jungkook says, obviously annoyed. he sits back down in his seat, glancing at hoseok who seems to be holding in a laughter. he hits the boy on the arm without the teacher noticing.

"you can actually go sit by jungkook if you'd like!" the teacher says, pointing to the empty desk by jungkook. taehyung makes eye contact with jungkook again and smirks. "it would be a pleasure." he says, sweetly smiling at the teacher.

jungkook glares at the boy as he makes his way to the desk next to jungkook. when he sits down, jungkook slightly moves his desk the opposite way, trying to make it not as noticeable.

it clearly didn't work, because taehyung scoots his desk over as well. jungkook just looks at him, and taehyung smiles at him then looks straight ahead at the teacher.

'this is gonna be a long season.'

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