Chapter 47 - Am I in Hell Yet?

Start from the beginning

"It called for me," I swear if this dog has a quirk, I'm leaving.

"Not literally, I hope."

"No, no, no! Its eyes did."

"Uh, how?"

"Something you don't understand, my heartless child." The puppy reaches its paw towards me, "Aw, I think he wants you!"

"Tell it I don't want it." I get hit with her free hand.

"Don't be rude when it has done nothing to you!"

"It has invaded my territory, and now I must obtain my territory once more."

"You're not jealous of the puppy, are you?"

"I'm not!" Why would I be jealous of a dog? Messy thing, " How about you hold the doggo, and I will clean this place up?"

"You're really not going to hold the puppy?" The puppy looks at me.

"No. I'll clean your house instead."

"I guess I can take that."

For the next hour, Mom and I chatter mainly about what to name the replacement me. Before you say 'dumbass, a dog isn't going to replace you,' I will have you know that my mom has been obsessing over this puppy for the past hour. It's getting away with biting her! I can't blame her, but still, I don't get the cute factor. Anyway, I recommended all these fantastic names, and she didn't accept any of them!

Whiskey - "I'm not naming a dog after an alcoholic drink when my son was an alcoholic." Calling me out.

Bear - "Too obvious."

Serial - She agreed to it initially because she thought I meant the food cereal. However, when she learned I meant a serial killer, she said no and whacked me upside the head.

Killer - "Too aggressive." Sigh...I hope that if this dog does anything useful in its life, it's to protect my mom.

Dog - Nope.

Doggy - "Are you kidding me?"

Little Pup - This got a conversation going. Good thing I finished cleaning!

"Of all names you could come up with, why Little Pup?"

"I saw this AU of Undertale called Mafiatale, and a child was called Little Pup who then turned into Big Pup."

"So a mafia thing?"

"Imagine this: your friends come over, and you call for 'Little Pup.' They expect this cute little dog, but this bear comes out instead. The perfect trick!"

"No, I'm no-" She's cut off by a phone call. When Mom looks at the collar, she gives a confused look before answer, " Hello Shouta, how are you? Yes, Izu is here. Why? Oh, I can do that. Talk to you later. Oh, and tell Izu to stop being jealous of the dog!" Well shit. First off, when did they get on first name terms? I guess if you're dealing with me, that's bound to happen quickly. Second, shit. Why isn't Shouta calling me, you may ask? Well, he can't because I have him blocked at the moment. I glare at the phone, take it, and press it to my ear.

"What's up, Sho?" I get straight to the point. He wouldn't call me if he didn't need me, after all.

I hear a sigh, " I don't know where to start. I will clear this punishment if you come back and do something for me." I can't help but get worried. Fuck my anxiety, but if he is willing to clear consequences, it must be something right?

"I need you to make official documents stating that, when signed, they can't tell anyone else without permission." Why is he asking me? I thought we already got that done for All Might. He has to be pretty desperate for something to ask me for something like that.

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