Chapter twenty seven

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I took deep breaths as the elevator descended floor by floor so fucking slow I swear I was about to rip my head off. Harry's silence wasn't helping much and I didn't know what to feel or what to tell him either. Once we finally reached the first floor, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Zayn and Liam were at the lobby waiting for us, I had to text Savanna so she finished delivering the clothes at the guys suites, there was only Louis' left, so it wasn't a big deal. 

I swallowed when Zayn's eyes laid on mine and a massive smile curled his lips up. "Baby" He said and kissed the top of my head when I reached him. 

I'm glad he isn't in a sour mood anymore, but still, his giant smile didn't make me feel any better. The total opposite, actually. 

"Hey," I said avoiding his eyes at all costs. 

"So, we wanted to go grab some breakfast before the interviews and that." Liam said. "The rest are still sleeping, well... Louis is." He chuckled. "But Niall has already eaten."

"Yeah, let's go." I said and felt long fingers entwine with mine. I panicked for a second thinking it could maybe be Harry but then noticed Zayn beside me and relaxed. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You look a bit pale." 

"Mhm." I nodded my head. "I'm just hungry." 

There couldn't be a more awkward situation than that. I could listen Adagio in B minor playing at the back of the restaurant since we arrived, which only gave the situation a total mortifying aura. Liam and Harry sat across from Zayn and I and the table couldn't be any smaller. I could feel Harry's knees brushing mine, his eyes on me, his breathing strong. The tension was damn palpable and I didn't understand how Liam and Zayn were so oblivious to it. It was suffocating me. 

When the waiter arrived I couldn't help but ask for a glass of water and down it in less than two seconds when given. My heart was racing quite fast and I despised how unsettled I was about that kiss. Damn it, I was a freaking mess. Zayn's hand laid on my thigh under the table and it felt so incredibly wrong I wanted to slap it away but I deceived. I couldn't. His voice and Liam's were muffled as my mind was elsewhere, torturing myself about how much I liked Harry's lips on mine and how wrong it all was.

The dark wood of the table became the most interesting thing on earth since we arrived and I rather look at it than anything else. Why did I do that? Why did he do that? Why did we? I wasn't supposed to be kissing my boyfriend's best friend while he's just wearing a freaking towel and his glorious body is covered in drops of water. Drops of water delicately slipping from his hair to his neck and shoulders, biceps and pectorals, abs and- Oh my God I need to stop this. 

You have kissed him once before, what's the big deal, huh?

I gaped at irrational bitch as she raised an eyebrow at me bold. What the hell is wrong with her? No, no what the hell is wrong with me. We kissed again. Again. An again wasn't supposed to happen. When we kissed back at the tour bus that time, I blamed it all on the fact that Harry was probably slightly drunk to know what he was doing and I really wasn't thinking straight. I promised myself that it was nothing and that it didn't mean anything. Cause it didn't. 

The fact it didn't mean anything has nothing to do with your crave for him, love. 

You can not deny how good kissing him felt, specially this time. 

What? Good? No, no. It doesn't feel good right now. it feels anything but good. I feel like I might explode any second. I have a boyfriend and I am not supposed to be kissing other but him. And certainly not one of his best mates, even though they leave me completely breathless. No, shit.

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