Chapter twenty four

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As the music grew louder so did my headache. It seemed we've been at this bar for a whole week. I always have hated those people who sit for the whole night and don't even bother to speak or socialize with anybody when going out. But tonight, I was one of them. Harry kept looking at me as is he was about to rip my throat out whenever Zayn and I spoke and accusing looks were shot directly at me from Eleanor's spot.

"Okay, you've been a total bore tonight." Savanna approached me, resting both her hands on her tiny waist. "But not anymore, let's go!" She grabbed a hold of my leather jacket and pulled me to the dance floor behind her.

I didn't protest but I was annoyed with her persistence. She's been literally the whole night asking me to dance and pulling me to the dance floor.

"Dance!" She screamed over the music as her body jumped up an down rhythmically. "C'mon, Valery!"

"I really don't feel like doing so." I said in a monotonous tone and not even bothering to raise my voice so she could listen.


"Allow me," Zayn said walking from behind me and resting his hands above my hips pulling my body closer to his.

Savanna's lips curled up in a devilish smile as her body continued with the wild moves. Niall and a random brunette were by my right as Liam danced with Savanna and Harry accompanied by a blondie moved to the beat on my left.

"You need to chill, honey." Zayn whispered in my ear and out of nowhere his hand pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel's in front of my face. "A little bit actually works wonderfully as a stress reliever." He chuckled and I sighed taking the bottle in my hands and giving a deep gulp.

Maybe they were right and I just needed to get in the mood for a little party. My feet hurt due my heels as well as my back, cause let me tell you, a tour bus cabin wasn't the comfiest thing on earth, my muscles needed a real bed, a nice mattress with a feathered duvet. I have to spend a lot of time on my feet so laying on my bed, getting some sleep were the two things I, most of times, looked forward to. But maybe Jack could help me take my mind off of things. He's known for doing his job way more than just properly.

"That's it," My boyfriend purred in my ear taking the bottle in his hands again and giving a huge sip himself. "Just dance." His free hand pulled me to him even more if it was possible and I sighed before letting myself get lost in the beat of the music.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Savanna screamed when she saw my body finally relaxing with the music.

I could feel Zayn's hands wandering up and down my hips, going to my waist and then slowly tracing circles to the start of my thighs, just where my dress cut. His warm fingertips caressed my skin softly making goosebumps prominent as he breathed on my neck. I rested my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes giving into the amazing sensation.

"Yes!" I heard Savanna's voice through the loud music and smiled.

"You look amazing tonight." Zayn whispered in my ear and my smile widened. I just remained quiet and with one of my hands I palmed down his arm where he had the bottle of whiskey and grabbed it myself.

He chuckled as the bitter flavour ran down my throat heating up my body, from my cheeks to my feet.

"Hey, it's not water." Liam said beside me taking the bottle from my hands. "Slowly." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at his fathering manner of speaking, so Liam. The music thumped so loud I could feel it in my bones, it's beat resembled the one of my heart.

HIDDEN [H.S. FanFiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang