Chapter three

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A week later I was finally done with the outfits of the band for the whole tour. I was tired as hell but I was relieved I didn't have to create anything else from scratch. Since for the interviews and everything else we could just pick outfits out.

That Thursday I arrived home late, only to realize Zayn wasn't there. I sighed and started making dinner. He was probably at the studio with the rest of the guys, so I left a plate for him in the oven for when he arrived. 

Which to my surprise was actually very late.

"You're still up?" He said as he walked into our bedroom.

I put down Vogue's latest edition. "Yup, catching up on trends. I left you dinner downstairs."

He hummed and made his way to the bathroom. He was tired, I assumed.

"So how did your day go? Is the album done yet?" 

I heard the sound of his toothbrush against his mouth and waited patiently for him to reply.

"Barely, we will have to work during the tour on a couple of songs." He said from the distance.

"But I thought you were almost done with everything. Louis said the songs were already picked out."

He walked back into the room to grab a clean towel but didn't reply.


He grunted. "Valery is not that easy. It's not just us who have to agree with everything. There are people above us." He said rather sourly. "Plus some of the guys are not even putting their 100%. Harry is somewhere else."

Harry? But he is one of the most devoted to the band. I thought.

"Why? Is it a girl?"

He sighed in frustration. "No, it's Gemma, apparently her flight was canceled and she won't be here for the weekend." 


He nodded and walked back into the bathroom. 

I have to admit I was also a bit disappointed about Gemma's absence for the weekend. She was very entertaining and always had amazing plans and ideas for the day, especially when it came to making fun of her brother.

I removed my glasses and thought for a minute whether it was a good idea or not to hop in the shower with him. I know he never says no to sex but he is also someone you want to leave alone when he is pissed off. And it looked like was.

I bit my lip not really knowing if it was the wisest decision but I decided to try and light up his mood anyway. I removed the navy silk dress I wore to sleep and made my way to the shower. I opened the glass door carefully and hopped inside facing his back. His left hand rested on the tile wall and his head faced the floor.

I furrowed my eyebrows and closed the door beside me, the steam of the shower already wetting most of my hair. I placed my hands on the lower part of his back, moving slowly to his waist. His head immediately lifted.

"What are you doing here?" His tone was harsh and I wondered what was bothering him so much.

I hummed hugging him from behind and pressed my naked body to his under the running water. My hands traveled to his shoulders in slow motion as I left soft kisses on his back.

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