Chapter seven

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I rolled on my side of the bed with my eyes closed and gave a big deep breath. My arms stretched under my pillow as I laid on my stomach. I was so comfortable I didn't want to get up and start with my day. I mentally organized everything I had to do, starting with fixing some of the designs of my fashion line for parsons, call Marcella for the app-

"Hey beautiful," 

I heard Zayn's voice whispering. It was so soft, barely audible.

And in that moment it hit me. He remained quiet, just his breathing and the sound of birds and the waves of the ocean from the outside made me realize I wasn't  in London. My heart raced and as instinct my eyebrows joined. Suddenly I stopped being oblivious of the warmth of the room and my bare arms. I never sleep sleeveless in London. Never.

I felt the fingerprint of his thumb delicately rubbing my front, just above the furrow in my face. I slowly opened my eyes. My body relaxed when his honey eyes, with a sting of worry, bore into mine. He offered me a weak smile which I returned the same way.

"Morning." His big hand went down to my cheek from my front. "Are you okay?" He asked when I didn't respond to his greeting.

I nodded my head hesitant. My eyes ran around his face taking into his appearance, his hair was a mess above his head and a dark shade colored his face along his jawline and chin. His eyes were sleepy but glued on mine, worry creeping through them. His lips were closed and his eyebrows fell a little strengthening his worried expression, his bare torso was covered by the white sheets, his left arm above them caressing my cheek.

I felt like reaching towards his face and caressing it before giving him a good morning kiss, but I deceived.

"Breakfast?" I shook my head still focused on him.

"We could order room service?" I shook my head once more. I didn't want to move.

He remained quiet and we shared and awkward stare contest which he lost a few seconds later. His face turned to his left slightly and his eyes bore on the feathered duvet of the king sized bed we shared. I sighed and got up slowly making my way to the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

When did things turn so weird between us? Am I being too harsh? I swear I'm not doing it on purpose.

The cold water washed the awkward feeling away but it didn't stop my thoughts from making a mess of my head. Sometimes I wonder why the hell do I have to over think every little detail of my life? It's not like I'll have a test when I die and I'll need to justify all my actions.

We arrived yesterday at night at the Bahamas, a limo took us to the hotel, and yes, you all guess right, the whole flight and ride were awkward and silent, so sleeping seemed to be the most attractive alternative. The hotel was beautiful. The suites were little cabanas held above the sea with bridges connecting them to the headquarters, reception and lobby, swimming pool, restaurant and the others. It was peaceful and just the perfect scenario for a romantic get-away. But neither it's beauty or glorious hot weather could warm up things between Zayn and I. When I reached our cabana the first thing I did was change into pj's and sleep. I didn't even talk to him or anything.

When I went out of the bathroom the room was empty I peaked outside of it, but there was no sign of my boyfriend on the living nor the mini bar.

I sighed and rubbed my face with my towel. Getting ready, I opted for a peach dress that reached above my knees and a pair of sandals, my hair was wet so I left it down for it to dry, I applied little make-up on and made my way out of the cabana locking it behind me.

If Zayn could go around the place by himself, so could I.

Harry's P.O.V

"Could you just change your stupid moody face and smile, for me?" Cara said and twisted her eyes sticking out her tongue when my eyes connected with her face.

I chuckled. "C'mon Styles!" A sting of hurt emanated from my arm as she punched it. Hard.

My eyes widened at her and I rested my hand on the stinging spot. "That hurt." She rolled her eyes.

"Stop being a pussy and smile." Her fingers bore on my face and pulled the corner of my lips up.

I removed her hands from my face and faked a giant smile for her. "That's what I mean! Now try not to fake it."

I laughed. "Stop trying to make me smile, I'm fine Delevingne."

"No, no, don't Delevingne me," Her index finger moved from left to right repeatedly.

My mood always lighted up when Cara was around. I breathed a laugh. "So, what do you want to do today?" I asked, we were at her house watching Mean Girls for the third time.

She always forces me to watch these chick flicks.

"Well... being that you're a whiny little girl and that my Plan A didn't work, which I don't understand, because everyone, even Dwayne Johnson can go from crying his heart out to laughing his massive ass up by watching Mean Girls and you're just... Numb to it."

"The guy played the Tooth Fair-" She shut me up my resting her hand above my mouth.

"Shh! Is Dwayne Masculine Johnson and I'm talking." She continued. "So a girl like me always has a Plan B." She removed her hand from my mouth and remained quiet thinking. "And a C and D. Just in case."

"They must be really effective, if you have that many..." I mocked and she punched my arm again. Cara could be girl and everything but she was as strong as a man.

"Okay, let's continue with plan B." I said rubbing my arm.

She smiled. "Follow me, Styles" getting up from the couch we exited the house.


"Do you feel better, now?" She said after our third shot of Tequila.

"Well, we are at pub, drinking tequila shots at 1pm. I can only guess how the night will end up like"

She faked a hurt look. "Are you saying my techniques aren't working?"

"Not exactly, but I appreciate you trying."

"Oh, okay, I get it. You need girls. Let me call my babes."

"No, love." I put her phone down. "That's okay. Girls aren't the answer either."

She rolled her eyes. "Then what is?"

"A ticket to the Bahamas would do the trick." 

"Oh no Harry, don't. I thought you were already over this."

"They are at the Bahamas, probably having the time of their lives-"

"No, stop. I won't allow it. I thought I was clear as water when we talked about her the last time. You need to let her go or this is going to end up really bad."

"You think I don't know that?" I laughed. "I can't take her out of my head, no matter what or how hard I try."

"Have I introduced you to my friend Leah?" She said wiggling her eyebrows and showing me a picture of her friend on her phone.

"I've already tried that and nope. It didn't change a thing."

She sighed. "If you don't give yourself the chance to meet someone new you won't be able to get over her. You need to let go to find something else."

"I don't think I want to let go, Cara."

"You're so screwed, Harry."

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