Chapter twenty one

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Amsterdam's concert was as fun as the previous and the interviews and photo shoots before it. The fans were lovely. And I even got asked for few pictures on our second day. I spent most of the time with Zayn, he took me to different parts of the city, including the Anne Frank's museum and I almost felt like we were Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. Anyway, what mattered was I felt extremelly comfortable with my boyfriend and only God knows how much I missed that feeling. It was as if I couldn't focus on anything around me but him. The way his eyes lit up whenever he saw something that caught his attention, or maybe the warmth emanating from his hand laced with mine, or the scent of his cologne impregnated in my nose, or maybe it was the magic of the city itself. I don't know why but I felt this strange pull towards him that I didn't before. Maybe it was the water here, that's why everyone looks so happy and couples so in love. Maybe they're all doped and they don't even know it. They enjoy it. So I did too.

"Ready for Milan?" He asked when we were about to leave, it was early in the morning and I spent the night before with him in his tour bus. But no, we didn't do anything. It's not as if I want the rest of the guys to listen to me and my boyfriend having sex just few steps away. 

"I can't wait! I'm freaking going to change my whole closet," I smiled as I plopped down on the couch beside him. The bus pulled off the parking lot and I smiled even wider. 

His arm pulled me closer to his chest, cuddling me. "I love my clothes on you." He said as he played with the hem of his massive sweater covering my body. 

"I like the smell of you." I said and he chuckled before kissing the top of my head. 

The TV hanging from the wall played a soccer match between I don't know which team against Zayn's team. I'm not too much into the soccer thing, but when it involves cuddling with your boyfriend in the morning with a mug of hot tea and cookies, then count me the hell in.

His phone rang on the coffee table where his feet rested. We both looked at the device and I could manage to read the name on the screen even though the phone was the other way around. 


He ignored the ringing phone and turned to look back to the screen of the television. But of course, they called back. 

"Aren't you going to pick up?" I asked on the third ring. I didn't know who Collins was but maybe it was something important. 

He didn't look away from the TV, just shook his head softly and I felt his arm around me tightening it's hold on my waist. The phone rang once more and he sighed before reaching to it and shutting the sound off, he set it on silence and left it on the table once again, this time the screen facing the wood. 

"Who's Collins?" I asked and looked up at him. His jaw tightened but again his eyes didn't meet mine. "Is it Lily? because that would be hell awesome! I love her." I gaped getting excited. It was true, I mean, the girl has a sense of fashion that is out of this world. I want to befriend her so bad. But then again, why would Zayn just ignore Lily Collins?

An awful thought invaded my mind and I shook it away immediately. I wouldn't want to see my boyfriend with someone else. And certainly not with Lily Collins, the bitch's perfect! Ugh that would suck. Really, really suck.

My eyes darted back to the phone on the table and even though it was up side down, the light of the screen was still visible, peaking through the edge of the device. They kept calling. 

"Don't." He muttered suddenly and again his hold on my waist tightened. "It's just some annoying guy of the press." 

"Oh," I said and looked back to the phone still silently begging to be picked up. "Okay." 

HIDDEN [H.S. FanFiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora