Chapter forty two

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"There's something beautiful about keeping certain aspects of your life hidden. Maybe people and clouds are beautiful because you can't see everything."


Savanna's P.O.V

This trip had certainly been one of the best I've had in my entire life. This was not my first time in Las Vegas but it was definitely the first time I had so much fun in forever. Also, the fact Josh couldn't stay away from me more than an hour made of the whole thing way better than it already was. Since I started working for the band, Josh had been the one who's treated me better, not that someone has been mean or rude to me, but he always gave me that extra attention that had me eventually falling head over heels for him.

A few weeks back, when we were still on tour, Ed told us about his idea for Valery's birthday and we were beyond thrilled. I was actually ecstatic about it, I knew for a fact she was going to love it, she mentioned something about Las Vegas being one of the places she must visit before she died. We were close, sharing most of our time picking the outfits for the guys and making fun of them was part of our everyday, that helped cementing our friendship.

Although she's a bit hard to open up to people, I feel she has with me. I think it is all due her woman are shit philosophy. Valery has always been closest with guys than with girls but I'm proud to say I belong to that reduced group of female that have a place in her heart.

Marquee was definitely one of the best places to go on Vegas, of the huge variety of night clubs you will bump into, Marquee was definitely a mandatory place to go to. The people, the music, the tasty drinks and mainly the whole environment, mixed together to create a lifetime experience. However, after a couple more Mandarinos that I can count, I felt a bit too dizzy and Josh thought it was wise to go back to the hotel. I had no will to fight him as I could feel not only the Mandarinos but also my breakfast and lunch making a journey up my throat, so I nodded my head and we headed outside.

Once we arrived to the hotel, we had to wait a couple of minutes in the lobby as Josh's mother had sent him a letter, but the receptionist was either too lost in Josh's eyes or he really sucked at looking for mail. I was sure it was the former, but I couldn't be more than fine with it. Jack, the receptionist, was not at all Josh's type, I know it because he prefers his dates a little bit more... female.

"Uhm," Josh cleared his throat as I groaned for what felt like the millionth time that minute. "Could you hurry up a bit Jack? Savanna is a little..."

Jack's maroon eyes adjusted on me and disgust soon took all over his features.

I bet the color of my face was a apple green by then.

"Sure, give me a minute, it must be here somewhere."

As the inept guy rummaged through the mail box I leaned my head down on my palms. The surface of the marble reception cooled my elbows and I prayed to God Jack could find the damn letter before my stomach decided to make its anger known in front of everyone.

And what's the deal with Josh's mom anyway? Doesn't she know the existence of e-mail or text messages?

"Shh! God, could you wait until we get to the room?" I heard someone giggling on my right.

"I think I can not." Someone else answered and I frowned as the two voices were oddly familiar to me.

Looking up from the floor, my eyes adjusted on the couple that drunkenly stumbled their way to the elevator. None of the two could get their hands off of each other and don't make me start with the way they were kissing.

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