Chapter twenty three

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  • Dedicated kay you


Who parties after a freaking concert? Weren't they like tired? 

Apparently not. The entrance to Rudas Studio was already packed and I didn't want to think about the amount of people inside. The night was a bit chilli and my short dress wasn't helping at all. Once we descended the SUV Zayn grabbed my hand and we all walked inside. Eleanor and Savanna behind us. 

"Yes!" Savanna squealed and her shoulders relaxed. "Medicine time!" 

Zayn laughed at her beside me. "Aren't you tired?" I asked him over the loud music pumping through the large place as we made our way to the VIP section. "I thought we were leaving to Bern tonight?"

His honey eyes looked at me with confusion. Long eyelashes decorating them and making me instantly jealous. Why can't my mascara achieve that look? "You wanted to stay?" He asked as we finally made it to a table.

I shrugged. "I am a bit tired..."

"C'mon, don't be such a bore!" Eleanor said walking past me and plopping down in one of the armchairs in front of the table. "Unless... You know some reason why you don't want to be here?" She asked as one of her eyebrows raised and I felt the need to slap her right across her face.

I fucking hate how she's acting. 

"Why? Do you, Eleanor?" Harry asked coming from behind me and sitting across from her, followed by Savanna and Josh behind her. The smell of fresh cologne hitting my senses, hard. For a moment I thought it could be Josh's but I perfectly knew the scent, I had it almost impregnated on my skin. 

The brunette looked at him before shrugging and Louis, Liam and Niall finally made their way to us.

"A bit crowded. Isn't it?" Louis asked as he sat beside his girlfriend.

"What is it between the two of you?" Zayn whispered in my ear and I crossed my arms over my chest with a sigh. The smell of blackberry halls crashing on my nostrils as he spoke to me. 

"Nothing." His hand rested on my back holding me still. I was tired and my shoes weren't really the comfiest thing. Even though I wanted to sit so badly I didn't want to breathe Eleanor's same air or even share glances. It was making me so uncomfortable and due the recent events at the tour bus with Harry, I was already damn confused to stand the judgy type. So sitting beside either wasn't any of my liking at the moment. "Let's dance."

Zayn smiled at me and nodded taking me by the hand and pulling me toward the dance floor where a bunch of sweaty bodies danced and jumped, each and everyone of them in their own world. "What about a drink first?" I managed to hear his voice over the music and nodded my head. 

Approaching the bar, I smiled at the cute bartender and let my boyfriend order our drinks. He knew me well enough to know which one was my favorite. 

The music bumped loud and the million people inside made the stance temperature rise a thousand degrees by just breathing. I wanted nothing but to return to the tour bus and sleep as we made our way to Bern. I rested my chin on my palm as the bartender graciously prepared our cocktails. His face was as white as snow and his eyes were a light green. He smiled at me when he noticed my glare on him. I couldn't help it, the jade color of his irises reminded me of Harry's. Suddenly the guilt and remorse I haven't felt since we kissed emerged inside me, hitting hard on my chest as Zayn laid one of his hands above mine. 

I refused to look his way. Instead I closed my eyes and tried as hard as I could to push the memories to the back of my head and think about a possible reason about why I did what I did. I couldn't though. The previous events burnt not only inside my head but also on my skin. The places where Harry rested his palms on my body were almost of fire, my lips, my eyes even. It was this heating sensation, I couldn't control. But my heart sunk when my boyfriend beside me spoke.

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