Chapter fourteen

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Valery's P.O.V

A week has gone by and I am amazed at the amount of work I managed to accomplish in only seven days, we did the fitting of the outfits for the guys and there were thank God quite few things to fix, they were all comfortable with the clothing and I couldn't be more happy, cause, could you imagine if it wasn't of their liking? That would mean get your ass to work again, Valery. Which led to more late nights, headache, stress and all those things I seem to be dealing with for the last few days. However, Zayn has been by my side this whole time, helping me in anything he can and trying his best to make me as happy as possible.

He's succeeding, though. 

Every night he took me to dinner at a different restaurant and it was just amazing, we had always something random to talk about, awkwardness vanished, it was no longer our problem and we laughed like we used to at the beginning of our relationship, on Wednesday he arrived at home with a bouquet of flowers and chocolates, even though I'm not too much into the cliché romantic thing, it melted my heart, the gesture was the most important thing, he wanted to make me happy at any costs and that meant he was trying hard, so I appreciated it all.

And sex... well, I can't really complain. So.

Another week passed us by and I finished all my Parsons duties, I had to call the main office to discuss the whole thing of the tour, I, obviously, wouldn't be able to lend all the works at the assigned dates during the length of the tour, so they were completely understanding and sweet, thank you Elizabeth, and agreed to give me a special treat, I could, and I quote: "Take all the time needed, in each and every duty assigned." So that meant a less pound of weigh on my shoulders. 

Having lunch with the guys became usual and if it wasn't lunch then it was breakfast or whatever, except dinner, those were specifically reserved for Zayn, it was our time together, and it was sort of sacred, however, I got to see the boys everyday, even Ed joined us most of the times, Ella and Eleanor were always around, and surprisingly their constant presence didn't bother me as much as other girls would do to me, except for Sophia, I mean, I have nothing against her, she's sweet and lovely but... I, well, you already know about my trust issues when it concerns to women. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that every time we used to hang around or something, her gum was stick at her ass, that annoying and unbearable red haired bubblegum, and just in case you were wondering, no, her bitchy attitude towards me didn't change one bit. 

Oh and let's not forget Harry, really, if the girl was as sticky as a bubblegum with Sophia, you can't even imagine how it was with Harry, she was like stuck with boxer or something to that guy, sometimes I wondered if she allowed him to go alone to the bathroom, I would literally explode in her face every five seconds whenever I felt her footsteps behind me if I was him. Even though I didn't see Harry much, when I did, she was always there and I felt something inside me every time she appeared through the door following behind him like a lost and bitchy puppy, ugh, it was something that just built up inside me and ate me slowly, it was something strange, something I couldn't put my finger on. However, like I said before I didn't see Harry often, he was always busy or doing stuff... which I assume was hanging around with Martha, but for real, if I saw him twice in the past two weeks, it was much.

 I refused to ever say anything about it and about his girl, I didn't want to cause a scene and at the end I didn't care at all, they could be dating and the girl seems to make Harry happy as she is always by his side, I mean, he wouldn't allow her to be that close to him if she didn't make him the happiest man on earth, right? That have to be it.

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