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"Mom, how much longer?" Ella whined as they drove down an unfamiliar road. The trees above form a canopy of leaves letting the light trickle through. It was beautiful. The birds chirping created a pleasant symphony of nature, but there was something gloomy about the road. Something dark.

"Just ten minutes more. We are almost there," said Violet.

"Mom! You said that half an hour ago too," argued Emma, removing her headphones.

"Yes, Emma! If you will keep quiet then we will reach there faster," sighed Violet, as she sped up her van.

And soon enough, they were at the house within ten minutes.

It was a big house and was very old. It was made entirely of wood. It was spooky looking. Its fence was broken. It looked as if no one occupied it for years. Emma shuddered after she saw it. It was surrounded by trees. Some houses were visible around it but they were not close.

Violet got out of the car and so did Ella, but Emma didn't even move as if she was frozen.

"Get out of the car now, Emma!" Violet yelled as she walked towards the house.

"No mom! I don't wanna live here. This place is so creepy! I want to go back to Dad’s home," Emma pleaded.

"No Emma! It's my final decision! Now get out and come inside. I know that it looks a little old but it's not that bad," said Violet.

Emma gradually came outside, but she was still scared. She held her sister's hand tightly as they went inside the house.

It was pretty big with good walking space. It smelled as if something had died in the house. All the furniture was covered in white sheets. There were five bedrooms which were all very spacious, a living room, a drawing-room, a library and even an attic. The wall paint was peeling off. It gave a clear picture of a haunted house. The windows were covered in dust. One of the windows had something written in the dust. When Ella went near it, she was shocked after seeing the words. You all will die.

"Mom! Look what is written here!" Ella immediately ran to her mother. Violet came near the window but till then, the words had disappeared.

"There is nothing here. You must be dreaming, " Violet said, irritated and went back looking at the house.

"Hmm, we need to do some work here. We can repaint it and do some repairs and cleaning," Violet spoke as she opened the windows to let in the fresh air. Soon, the stinking was gone. It wasn't a bad place after all.

They brought their bags inside and kept them in the living room and they all went upstairs. The stairs creaked as they walked on them.

There were three rooms on this floor.

"Well, we all can have separate rooms here. You both can choose one," declared Violet.

Emma and Ella ran to get a perfect room.

"Oh, Emma, these rooms are so big! It's like a dream come true," Ella blurted out.

"Yeah but this place is so creepy! It also seems as if a ghost will pounce on us any moment, " trembled Emma as she glanced around.

Both of the rooms were the same. Emma took the one facing the backyard while Ella took the middle one. The one facing the front obviously was of Violet.

Emma was removing the white sheets that covered all of the furniture. The bed was made of very elegant wood. There were side tables on either side of the bed. There even was a study table. There was a balcony in the room. The paint was pale and peeling off. It was really a beautiful room but all the dust and the peeling paint destroyed its glamour.

Oh! What about our school? Emma thought suddenly.

She went to her mother and asked "ma, what about our school?" Trying to find a way to get back to her old house.

"You will be going to the same school dear, it's not far from this place and anyways, it's after your summer break so enjoy it!" Violet spoke, inattentively.

Yeah! Enjoy this place! You’re so funny! Emma thought bitterly as she went back to her room.

She opened her suitcase and unpacked all her clothes in the closet. She organized the other things in drawers and shelves. She finished unpacking in three hours and went to check Ella.

Ella too had finished unpacking. It was evening now. They weren't able to keep a track of the time while organising their room.

"Ummmm, I am hungry!" Ella complained as her stomach grumbled.

"Yeah! Me too! Let's go to mother, she must have made something for dinner".

They both went into Violet’s room but to their astonishment, Violet was fast asleep. They woke her up by shaking her.

"What is time?" Violet spoke as soon as she woke up.

"Mom it's evening! We’re so hungry! Please make us something!" Whined Ella.

"Well, I am too tired to cook anything. You both go and make yourselves a sandwich," said violet sleepily as she dozed back to sleep.

"Oh no! I don't wanna eat a sandwich!" Cried Emma.

"And I don't wanna cook!" Snapped Ella as they descended down to the kitchen.

They took out the bread and some vegetables. Emma tried to start the gas stove but it didn't start.

"And now we have to eat it uncooked," blurted Emma.

As they ate the sandwiches, someone knocked on the back door. 


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