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"It's enough!" Violet screamed. "I can't take this anymore. You always come home late, you’re always drunk, and you never spend time with me. I am your wife!"

"But Violet! You don't even understand! I have a lot of work these days and after work, my friends take me to get a drink or two! I try to deny them but they force me. Do you think that I do not like to spend time with you? It's absolutely false! But I can't help!" Answered Jacob.

"Oh really!? It's been four months now. You haven't come home early for a single day! I can't live with you like this anymore! I even have second thoughts that you are having an affair with another woman!" Violet yelled.

"Are you crazy?! Affair?! I am so loyal to you Violet that I haven't set eyes on another woman since we were married! Please try to understand!" Argued Jacob. 

"Seriously! Loyal? Just go to hell Jacob! I want a divorce from you! I even had a lawyer make me the papers! I won't live here any longer!" Scoffed Violet.

"What! Divorce! Where will you live? You don't have any place to go to! And besides, what about Emma and Ella? Where will they go? They need a father!" said Jacob, as his eyes got watery.

"I already have seen a home and Ella and Emma will live with me. You don't have to worry about them," Violet said and she went away to her room.

Jacob was sobbing now. He fell on the couch and cried all night long.

"I love her so much! It's all my fault! I should have given her more time! Now I lost her! Forever!" Sobbed Jacob. And he fell asleep, crying. 

"Mom, why do we have to go away from here? I don't want to leave dad. Please mom," requested Emma.

"Yes, mom! Please! Can't we stay?" Said Ella.

"No dears, it's final. We will shift tomorrow. Now sleep. We have to get up early tomorrow to pack our things," violet said irritated. 

She switched off the lights of her daughters' room and went toward the guest room. She can't sleep in the same room as Jacob though she didn't know he cried himself to sleep in the living room.

When Violet went inside her room, she changed into comfortable clothes and started packing. She didn't want to stay at this house another day. She finished her packing after midnight and went to sleep.

In the morning, Violet woke up early to help her daughters pack. They finished packing in three hours. Then Violet made breakfast for her and her daughters. Not for Jacob. 

That poor Jacob, he kept begging, kept apologising but Violet didn't listen to him even if she wanted this so much!

She ate breakfast and then put all the bags in the minivan she owned. She forced her daughters to sit in the van and she drove away, trying not to look back last time. She loved Jacob, more than anyone but she suspected him to have an affair. 


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