I remembered the pain of losing him, but that to was forgotten.

I remembered our last moments together and wished they were different, wished that I could tell him before I was gone.

Lastly I remembered his deep voice whispering in my ear as I snuggled to his chest "I love you Kylie" and then it was all gone. And I could finally sleep in peace.


"Why isn't she awake?" "As I previously stated, I don't know. There's no medical explanation, only a psychological ones." "He's not happy about this, and your the first one that's going to be blamed" "There's nothing I can do" The doctors voice was calm and confident. "Leave us then" she began to protest but he cut her off and her foot steps faded.

I felt like I was floating with the water in my ears, and the easy possible chance of sinking back under if I choose to drown. "Hey, it's me, Luke" I felt him grab my hand but not his warmth "I hate to say this but you have to wake up" he sighs and chuckles slightly, awkwardly "Actually, I need you to wake up" when I didn't move he sighed again "If not for me, then for Harry" the silence was a bit more awkward and he stood up quickly mumbling "Stupid, I knew it wouldn't work" and then he was gone.

I continued floating alone in silence until another voice spoke "Your putting on quiet a show" and then a soft chuckle "You always knew how to do that though. Do you know how many guys I had to get through to see you? A lot. Too many for a gun shot wound. Your welcome by the way. I've been here watching over you, so don't worry. Their also hiding something here and I'm trying to figure it out while you take a nap" he chuckles a little more.

"You look horrible by the way" he chuckled half heartedly that faded into a sad silence "You know I'm funnier when you laugh with me or give me a stupid look for teasing you" Silence. The silence wasn't bad, but it was heavy

"I miss you" there was more silence that was broken by sobbing "I'm so sorry Lauren" I felt his head on my side and his salty tears dripping down in a warm stream on my arm "I failed you, I couldn't protect you" I felt him shaking his head "Some brother I am" as I floated I had no idea what was happening, but I felt myself lift off the water a bit only to fall again but in that time I think I spoke a name.

"Nate" his head lifted quickly as he look at me "Lauren?" But I was sinking again, and I was in the dark again. Drowning in my silence.

******FOUR DAYS LATER*******

"Kylie" I was still floating in darkness, but the voice made me freeze "Kylie" my heart began to pound but I didn't know why "I need you to wake up Hun, I need you to smile again; I've missed you too much" I felt my finger twitch "The doctors told me you could hear me, and that maybe I could encourage you to open your beautiful eyes" his voice was so smooth, so confident. "But you've always done what you wanted. Maybe that's why I like you so much" my toes curled gently.

"As much as I need you to wake up, I can't make you. So if you want to sleep a little bit longer, have sweet dreams" he leaned over me and gently kissed my forehead with such tenderness my breath escaped me.

And then my body was no longer in my floating water but in so much pain I sucked in a shuddering breath arched my back. "Nurse" he said calmly and I threw open my eyes and looked around. I blinked a few times, blind at bright lights. My eyes landed on a beautiful boy with bright green eyes with almost a hint of blue,chocolate brown messy curls, pink lips, and a relieved smile. He looked stressed but beautiful none the less "Kylie"

I couldn't stop staring at him but managed to stammer "Wha-at?" "Your awake" I finally looked around the room and at the nurse fixing my vitals machine "Where am I? What happened? Who are you?" I began to pull out the needles causing me pain in a panic when the nurse and the man held me down "No! Stop!"

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