Goodbye and Hello

Start from the beginning

Aria smirked as she paused with her arms still raised. "Why? Do you want the same welcome?" She asked with a curved brow. Rey shook her head, making some loose strands fly around her face. Aria snickered as she gave the girl a simple hug. "Don't worry, only Poe gets the warmest of welcomes." The girls pulled away to give each other wide smiles. "How was the trip? Please tell me Poe let you pilot every once in a while." Rey nodded with a toothy grin. "Good." She stepped away so Rey could hug Finn. While they reconnected Aria turned back to Poe with a flirtatious smirk. "It's been a while-" She wiggled her eyebrows animatedly as she stepped back into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her waist like he had been doing it his whole life. "Too long." He decided as he looked into her eyes. He found they shined brighter than he had ever seen them before. "I really missed you." He whispered as he lifted a hand to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

The gentle movement caused Aria to close her eyes and lean into his touch. "You have no idea how much I missed you." She found it easier to confess her true feeling with her eyes closed. "I have been away from my dad for years at a time and that doesn't compare to my month apart from you." Her eyes fluttered open after her confession to find Poe's slacked jaw.

Her eyes lowered to his parted lip. His two front teeth poked through, which she found utterly adorable. While she was focused on his mouth, Poe tried to get his heartbeat under control. He had never heard something so beautiful in his life, and he couldn't stop himself as he slipped his hand behind her head to pull her towards his mouth.

He kissed her again with everything he possibly had. He tightened his arm around her waist and picked her up, spun her around then set her back down so they had a bit more privacy from the camp. 

Aria's hands laid flat on his chest, her fingers pressed into his hot skin. Just the feeling of his warmth under her hands drove her crazy in all the right ways. Aria wanted to enjoy being in his arms again. She wanted to be happy and kiss him like she didn't have a care in the world, but she knew it wasn't fair to them. They were on borrowed time, and she thought it was better to tell him sooner rather than later. "Poe," she pulled back with full intentions of telling him, but he made it hard as he leaned forward to continue the kiss. He was persistent, and as his tongue ran along her bottom lip she slipped back into his hold and kissed him once more. "No- wait, Poe." She pressed her hands into his chest to put some distance between them. It was easier for her to think when his lips weren't inches from her. But, she still found it hard when his eyes were undressing her. "Leia is sending me on a mission... I leave tomorrow." Her eyes lowered to his mouth as his lips parted. A small, sorrowed breath passed his lips before they sealed. 

"Tomorrow?" There was a twinge to his voice that wrapped around her heart and squeezed. 

She nodded as she looked back to his pained eyes. "She wanted me to leave three days ago, but I talked her into holding off until you got back." Aria lifted her hands to caress his face. "I know it's not fair... you just got back and we were supposed to have all this time together-" Aria couldn't look into his eyes anymore, not when they were filled with so much grief, so instead she looked at the single curl that fell down the side of his forehead. "But this is what we signed up for, we knew coming into the Resistance that we would put it first, above all else... even before those we care about." Aria stood to the tip of her toes to press her forehead against his. She closed her eyes as she listened to his steady, shallow breathing. 

"I never thought I would have a problem with that... for so long my life has been the mission." Poe's hands trailed up Aria's bare arms, his fingers curled around the back reaching the sensitive skin along her inner arm. "But, for once I am finding it hard to prioritize the Resistance over you." He pressed his forehead harder against his and she happily took on more of his weight. She wanted to release him of this burden, but the least she could do for now was let him lean on her. 

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