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"So now, you're saying that I'm fat!" Kongpob crossed his arms over his chest as he looked at Arthit.

Arthit's eyes widened, he gulped his saliva as he looked at Lia who facepalmed .

"No, no! I didn't mean that Kong. I just said your chubby. Chubby and fat are two different things, chubby means cute and handsome!" Arthit gave a nervous smile to his pregnant husband.

Kongpob raised an eyebrow at his husband, he turned towards Lia who smiled at him and nodded her head in agreement.

A smile bloomed on Kongpob's face.

"Really!? Aw! I love you so much P'Arthit!" Kongpob kissed his husband's cheeks.

"Now eat some more," Kongpob served the food on Arthit's place. Arthit, on the other hand, left a sigh of relief.

Kongpob is eight months pregnant and they're going to have a baby boy. Just a month before they had their baby shower.

Arthit could think how Kongpob had managed his life when he was pregnant with Lia. Kongpob had extreme mood swings at the beginning, it decreased after the first two months but then again since they're nearing towards the due date his mood swings are being extremely crappy.

But Arthit liked pampering Kongpob, only that he sometimes get really tired of it.

Kongpob would cry at silly things. He would cry if he had killed a mosquito, he would cry even if one of the vegetables are fucking rotten!

Arthit would be always there with the male. He started working at home to look after Kongpob and Lia. He wanted to be with Kongpob every second throughout the pregnancy. He had missed this chance once, he's not going to do that again.

"P'Arthit, let's watch a movie tonight!" Kongpob asked as he rubbed his hands over his big belly.

"Of course sweetheart, I'll clean this up and we'll set everything. How does that seem?" Arthit asked softly.

Kongpob smiled widely and nodded his head like a child.

Lia only shook her head, now that she thinks about it, she doubts whether she or her Mommy is the child in the home.

Arthit stood up and took the dishes to the kitchen. Since Kongpob is in his trimester, the doctor had advised to be very careful. The doctor had told Arthit to avoid doing household chores. Sometimes Kongpob does make a fuss about it but he soon understands it.

Arthit then helped Kongpob to sit on the sofa. He brought Kongpob's pregnancy pillow and rested the younger's legs on the table.

"You comfortable?" Arthit asked to which Kongpob nodded his head.

Arthit then brought Lia to sit in the middle of them before he sat down relaxed.

Lia placed her ear on her Mommy's belly and smiled.

"My baby brother is kicking," Lia exclaimed.

Kongpob chuckled, he cares Lia's hair.

"He's saying that he loved you, dear."

Lia smiled wider, "I love you too baby brother." Lia kissed Kongpob's belly.

Arthit smiled seeing his daughter.

"Kong, which movie do you want to see?" Arthit asked.

Kongpob thought for a second before he smiled, "I want to see Titanic!"

"Not again!" Lia exclaimed while Arthit had his eyes wide.

"But baby, we've seen it more than ten times already this month," Arthit tried to reason.

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