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"P'Noel, you can't just do that to me!"

Kongpob's eyes filled with emotions, he was feeling as if he would faint any moment.

Noel walked forward and took hold of his brother's hands. His eyes moved towards Arthit's which was filled with concern towards his lover.

"Kongpob, we cannot leave Pa and Mae like that. We have to teach them a lesson. Since the company is under my control now, no one can ask anything to me."

Kongpob pressed his hand on his chest as he took deep breaths. Images of how his parents tortured him flashed through his mind making his breath raspy.

"No, I can't do this. No! I can't! They hate me! They will hurt me more! They will hurt my baby! They will hurt P'Arthit! No! I can't handle it!"

Arthit rushed to his lover's side and held him in his arms.

"Relax, Kong. I'm here with you. We are here with you. We will face this together." Arthit gave strength to his lover.

Arthit wants to make Kongpob's parents pay for what they have done to his lover and their relationship.

Sarah who stood beside Noel, watching the scene before she walked towards Kongpob and held his hand in hers.

"Kongpob, we may not have encountered more but from what I have heard from P'Noel about you, his brother is a very strong person."

Kongpob looked into Sarah's dark eyes. A calm and smooth expression on her white skin.

"I'm in almost the same situation as you Kongpob. We both are on the same boat. I promise you we will be beside you. Please trust us. Mr. and Mrs. Suttilak should not live happily after they turned their sons' life into hell."

Kongpob's eyes darted back to Arthit's who nodded his head and smiled.

"What if they hurt you guys? I can't risk your lives." Kongpob clings onto Arthit's chest.

Noel sighed and shook his head.

"No one will touch us. We will have our own protection. See Kong, if we don't do anything now, then we will not be able to live peacefully here."

Kongpob remained silent for a few minutes before he took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"I will do it P." His voice filled with determination.

Noel hugged Kongpob tightly as he smiles.

Arthit and Sarah looked at each other and shared a smile.

"Come to our office tomorrow at 8 am , Kong. I'm excited to announce the new President of the company. Mr.Suttilak has to give up his position."

Noel smirked as he spoke.


"Choose which one you like, baby girl."

Liane pursed her lips together. Her little finger on her chin as her eyes roamed around the various chocolates that were on the racks.

Arthit chuckled at how his little daughter was taking each chocolate, looking at it and then keeping it back to just take another one.

"I will go to the grocery section, look after her, P'Arthit."

Kongpob smiled at his lover before he walked away to buy the groceries.

Kongpob had planned to go for grocery shopping after they reached back to their apartment after visiting his brother.

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