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I know all my readers are sad reading the prologue. 
So I decided to update fast.
Hope you can feel better reading this chapter!
Happy reading!♥️
Eager to read your thoughts!


5 years later...

A man was sitting at the corner of the café, different from all other people in there as he was tan, rather than fair in complexion compared to others. He looked around the café as if expecting someone before he sipped his coffee which was in front of him.

The New York wind was warm yet cold sending a comforting chill down the young man's body.

Soon another fair man came into the café, with a wide smile on his face and sat in front of the tanned man.

"I'm so sorry, Kong. Did I make you wait long?" The person who came and sat at the moment apologized.

"No, Aim. I just came now." Kongpob lied, of course.

Aim smiled at Kongpob warmly as he nodded his head.

"Where is Liane? You didn't bring her?" Aim asked as he looked beside Kongpob.

Just by the name, Kongpob's face glowed like a bright star, his lips twitched into a wide smile.

"She is home, Aim. Lia was sleeping when I got the call from you. I called her nanny to take care of her." Kongpob said.

"By the way, why did you call me?" Kongpob asked as he sipped his coffee.

Aim fidgeted his fingers as he remembered about the matter he had to ask Kongpob.

" see Kong? Our company is sending two experienced employees to one company that we're combining our new product," Aim said, as casually as he could.

"So? What should I do?" Kongpob asked, raising his brows.

"Well, they have decided to send you and me there, as our representative," Aim said.

"Really? Wow! I can't believe it! I never thought I could gain their trust so much!" Kongpob said happily and was excited as he heard the news.

"Of course you have earned their trust, Kong. Even though you have been working here with me in the company for only 3 years, you have shown your talent and skill to them every single day! All the plans and supplies are ready for the project, we just need to present the mechanism works of the product and help them in the product. Just a case of 1 month or maybe 2."

Kongpob scratched the back of his neck as he heard Aim's words.

"But I have to tell you one thing." Aim trailed off as he tried to bring up the topic that he wanted to talk about.

"What is it Aim? Is there something wrong?" Kongpob asked, his eyes doubtful.

"Well, the new company we are going to is in......Thailand?" Aim tried to speak but soon stopped when he saw Kongpob's eyes wide and his posture frozen.

"Kong?" Aim tried to shook Kongpob who looked at him blank.

Kongpob's breath became uneven, he took a deep breath, heavily as Aim shook him.

"It's okay Aim...I'm okay..." Kongpob tried to explain in between his deep breathing.

"It's okay Aim. It's just Thailand, I will come back to New York after I work there for a few months anyway. It is not necessary to meet him if I go to Thailand." Kongpob said as he looked down at his hands. His voice had sadness and regret as he spoke, which didn't go unnoticed by Aim.

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