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Kongpob chuckled when Arthit jumped onto him, hugging him tightly.

"You came back, you came back..." Arthit mumbled as he crushed Kongpob in his embrace. He pressed his face into his lover's shoulder, inhaling his favourite scent in.

Kongpob laughed, he nodded his head against Arthit's shoulder.

"I will never leave you again, P'Arthit. I will never make that mistake again...if you be by my side," Kongpob's voice filled with emotion

Arthit pulled away from the hug and cupped Kongpob's face in between his palms.

"I will always be beside you, Kong. I...I can never leave you Kong, you are the love of my life, the mother of my child, our child. You are my air, my blood, my everything. I love you so much that I would stay by your side and overcome every problems. Your happiness is my happiness, your problems are my problems too, Kong."

Tears started to roll down Kongpob's face, a small smile engraved on both of their faces.

Kongpob leaned forward as he pecked on Arthit's lips making the leder smile wider.

Kongpob hugged Arthit tightly. His head on Arthit's chest, inhaling the scent of the man.

" I will be here with you. You are no more alone Kong, I'm here for you, your brother is back with you and the gem you have been taking care of even in my absence, our Liane, we all are here for you Kong. We will never leave you alone." Arthit kissed on top of Kongpob's forehead.

"I love you, Kong"

"I love you too, P'Arthit."

It feels home, it feels as if he had found his home again as he melted into the hug.

Arthit pulled away from the hug and wiped Kongpob's tears.

"Let's meet our friends, they will be surprised to see you," Arthit said excitedly. He pulled Kongpob's hands guiding him out of the crowd.

Kongpob halted on his steps as he came out of the crowd, his eyes meeting the angry stares from his friends who look as if they are ready to kill him.

"N...No, P'Arthit. Th...They hate me. I...I... I'm not their friend anymore," Kongpob's head hung low as he spoke those words.

Arthit sighed.

He took Kongpob's hand and kissed his palms.

"I'm here, Kongpob. I'm here, your P'Arthit is here. No one will harm you. Believe me. And you are their friend, forever."

Kongpob nodded his head and walked towards the table full of his seniors and friends, he gulped as he saw the cold stares he was receiving from his friends which made him stand behind Arthit.

Kongpob's friends stood up angrily as they saw Kongpob walking towards them. Now standing infront of them as Arthit pushed Kongpob to stand in front.

"H...Hi, guys?"

Kongpob's voice low yet everyone could sense the tension in it.

Tew walked towards Kongpob and raised his fist to punch.

Kongpob closed his eyes anticipating a punch to land on his face but was surprised when an arm wrapped around his waist protectively.

Kongpob opened his eyes to see Tew's hand being caught by Arthit from behind.

"Tew, please. Don't hurt him. He is my lover," Arthit's words were like thorns for his juniors while the seniors were smiling widely.

"What are you speaking, P'Arthit? Kongpob and you? Lovers? He fucking broke up with you, P! We know how much you suffered through these years and when this idiot came back and acted infront of you by singing some bullshit song you accepted him back? Seriously, P?" Oak came forward with Tew and shouted, annoyed seeing his once best friend standing infront of him.

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