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Kongpob's eyes went wide when a hard punch landed on his face.

"You fucking bastard!! We have been searching for you in the past 5 years!!! Now you're finally infront of me!"The fair man's face turned red with anger.

"How dare you leave our Arthit!?" The man growled.

He launched himself on Kongpob, slapping right on his face.

Kongpob held his cheeks and didn't dare to look up.

"Bright! Enough!" The man beside him tried to pull Bright away from Kongpob.

"Tootah! How can you say me to leave this skunk who made our Arthit's life a hell!?" Bright burned up.

"You are making a scene here, Bright!" Tootah said as he looked around at the hundreds of eyes staring at them.

"Let it be! I won't leave him!" Bright said as he gripped Kongpob's neck with his hands.

"P...P'Bright," Kongpob tried to speak as he coughed because of the suffocation in his throat.

Bright smirked hearing Kongpob call him.

"So, you remember us! You little bastard!"

Kongpob felt suffocated. He couldn't breath properly with the tight hold on his neck. Kongpob closed his eyes as he tried to move Bright's hand from his neck.

Bright pushed Kongpob, making him fall on the floor. Kongpob coughed as he tried to sit up but soon punches landed on his face.

"You little fucker! How dare you break up with my best friend!? You said you loved him! You said you will never leave him! Do you know how much Arthit suffered because of you!? Do you know how much you hurt him!?," Tears started to flow from Bright's eyes as he punched Kongpob on his face and hands.

Kongpob, on the other hand, tried to cover his face from the punches that were thrown to him.

"BRIGHT! ENOUGH!" Tootah shouted at his friend as he pulled Bright away from the junior's body.

Bright looked at Tootah with rage-filled eyes.

"What are you doing, Tootah!? Don't you want to teach a lesson to the person who made our Arthit's life a mess!?" Bright shouted at his friend.

"Bright I want to! But this so not the place! We have to tell Knott and Prem about this!" Tootah talked back in emotion.

"I can't wait until then! I will ki..."

Bright turned around to face Kongpob who was nowhere to be seen.

"Fuck!" Bright cursed under his breath.

Tootah and Bright looked at the bag of two pink milk bottles which laid on the floor, leaking the content of the container.

Tootah looked around at the people who were watching them with curious eyes.

"What the hell are you looking at!?" He shouted at them.

The people got shocked and quickly started to part their ways.

"We have to tell Knott and Prem soon. Come on," Bright said as he massaged his palms which was hurting from punching their junior.


Kongpob rushed into his room and closed the door before he broke down crying.

He folded himself like a cocoon on the floor, his face buried in his legs. Soft sobs were heard from the young man.

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