What You'll Never Be

Start from the beginning

"Finally, let's go." He puts a hand on your shoulder and you have enough time to say, "Be sure to visit C! And keep Luci in line will ya!" You and Cas disappear from hell's throne room.

You land inside the bunker and the sudden movement has you disoriented. You grip the railing to the stairs and wait for the dizziness to pass. You stand straight and look around for the boys. You don't see them in the immediate area so you yell.

"OI THERE ANY WINHCESTERS IN HERE?! THERE BETTER BE BEER AT THIS HOMECOMING PARTY!" You hear loud running footsteps and the boys appear from the lower level. Dean's face is so relieved you think that he might actually cry and Sam's face is no different. You're engulfed in a trademark Winchester bear hug and you hear your back crack.

"We thought you were dead. We held a hunters funeral and everything." You push away from him and look at him with your best bitchface.

"What the hell did you burn?" Sam shrugs and shakes his head behind Dean's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're back." He seems to lose all self-control in this moment and kisses you hard, pulling you back to him. Thoughts begin to creep into your mind and the memories of Lucifer's body and mouth pressed against you make you push away and stumble backwards. "Hey, what's wrong? Did I do something? Did I hurt you?" You press at your temples trying to make the memories go away but that heat begins to simmer in your gut. The scent from Lucifer's jacket isn't helping to tamp down on any memories. You can still feel his body heat like he's standing there, his mouth on your neck, and his hands wandering further and further.

You say nothing as you sprint for the nearest bathroom. Dean yells after you but you ignore him as you slam the door behind you and lock it. You strip off Lucifer's jacket and toss it onto the floor. You turn the tap on and splash your face with cold water. You stare at your reflection in the mirror for what seems like hours until there is a knock at the door.

"Hey man, you ok?" Sam's voice is soft. You unlock the door and open the door to just a crack. You see the both the boys and gesture for Sam to come in shutting and locking the door in Dean's face. You turn the bathtub on creating some background noise so Dean can't listen in.

"I have a big problem Sam." He shorts and sits down on the edge of the tub.

"Yeah clearly. What's going on?" So you explain to him your split heart, your cushy and comfortable accommodations down in hell, your agreement with Lucifer, and how your heart is leaning more toward downstairs than it is being up here.

"I love him Sam and I love Lucifer at the same time. But my heart is telling me to run back to Lucifer with everything I've got and never come back. But there's a part of me that still loves Dean and doesn't want to hurt him." You hold up your hands feeling helpless.

"Listen, I know I kind of have a bias here because Dean is my brother and Lucifer mentally tortured for months but, and I can't believe I'm saying this, if Lucifer makes you the happiest that's where you should be. Dean is gonna be pissed no doubt and throw an absolute hissy fit. He's not gonna let you go dude. He's gonna kick and scream the whole time." You nod in understanding and turn the tub off.

"I'll stay for a little bit to try and make up my mind. Just to ease him a bit." You unlock and open the bathroom to a pissed off Dean.

"What the hell were you two talking about in there?" You wave him off and pick the jacket up off the floor. You pick up your abandoned bag and head for what was once your room in the bunker. You open the door and there is a stale dusty smell as you flip the light on. It's only been 6 months but everything in your room is exactly as you left it. You throw your bag onto the bed and sit down next to it waiting for the onslaught from Dean.

"Come on Sam! He's my boyfriend and he won't even talk to me! Something is clearly wrong! He was missing for 6 months and now something's wrong with him and I can't fix it!" Their arguing gets quieter and you let out a sigh of relief. You quietly shut the door to your room and lock it. Kicking off your shoes, and laying down, you pull out your phone. You have a couple texts from both Crowley and Lucifer. So you read over those and reply as accordingly. You pull Lucifer's jacket over you and drift into a much needed sleep.

"Hey, dude wake up." Sam's gentle but insistent shaking rouses you from your slumber and you peek out of cracked eyes at him.


"Dean's freaking out. I think you should probably go see him." You sigh and sit up, following Sam out to the main foyer of the bunker where Dean is sitting, whiskey bottle in hand, and feet on the table. You walk towards his spot, trepidation in your head and worry in your heart. You run your hand through his hair, looking down at him with such worry. He leans his head against you, cradling the liquor bottle like a baby

"Come on Squirrel. What's the matter?" Dean is heavily drunk and looks up at you with the saddest eyes.

"I feel like I've lost you twice."Your heart breaks at Dean's words and you gesture for Sam to leave you two. Dean's mood suddenly turns angry. "Why won't you tell me what's wrong?! Huh?" He gets up slamming the bottle on the table. The bottle rattles and sloshes whiskey all over.

"Is it because of someone in hell? Did you cheat on me?" The heat of shame flushes your cheeks and his voice rises. "I should have never even started this relationship. You're not even a real man anyways!" The room goes so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Say that again Dean Michael I dare you." His face is beet red by this point and he looks like he's ready to throw punches.

"You aren't even a real man. There's no XY in your blood. You're just a girl parading as a man. Fucking cross dresser." If anyone cared to listen they could hear your heart shatter into a thousand pieces and that's when Dean launches himself at you. Fists are flying and Dean's punches are landing so hard you're seeing stars.

"DEAN GET OFF HIM!" Sam runs to your rescue, trying to pull Dean off and he eventually manages to. But not before Dean lands one that knocks you out.

The world is quiet and dark as you sit on the throne. Reclined and relaxed it seems as though there are no cares in your world. Dude. Not a care in the world. Wake up!

You wake to swollen eyes and a bruised body. You hiss as your head begins to pound. Sam tries to help you up but every move causes some kind of bruise to ache. The cry is from your lips as if in instinct.

"Lucifer, help me." A sound of wings and Lucifer is kneeling next to you concern written all over his face. You reach up for him and he gently wraps his arms around your torso pulling your upper body to him. It hurts so much. Everything hurts. Loud words are exchanged between Lucifer and the Winchesters but your head aches too much to pay attention to them. You cling to Lucifer and with a sound of wings the both of you are gone.

"Lu please don't. I don't deserve it." A rough, calloused hand sweeps the hair back from your forehead.

"But you do deserve it. Why wouldn't you? No one especially not you deserves to be beat that way and not be healed." You sigh knowing that there is going to be no end to this argument and finally you nod in resignation. He places two fingers to your forehead and all of your aches, pains, and bruises melt away. It's a relief for sure but the relief is only on your body not your mind.

"Would you mind flitting back to the bunker to grab my bag? I took a lot of my stuff with me including my favorite of your jackets." He smiles and snorts. He's gone and back in an instant with your recovered stuff. You pick up your cell phone and see about 7 missed calls. 6 from Sam and 1 from Dean. You listen to the only voicemail in the box.

Hey. Listen I know what I said was wrong and how I said it was wrong, but it's been bothering me for a while. I could never get over that bump. Don't bother calling back. Stay down there with him. And don't come back.

A solitary tear slips down your cheek and you delete the message. From now on you've only got Crowley and Lucifer to count on.

What are the odds.

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