Drowning In The Suburbs

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"I'm home!" You set your bag down by the door and slip off your shoes. You go looking around the house wondering where your parents are. You find them in the living room, staring at a dark tv. You hover in the entryway for a moment before taking a hesitant step in. "Mom? Dad?" They turn to look at you and your mom's eyes are brimming with tears. Your dad's face is hollow and his eyes are blank as he gets up from his spot on the couch.

"Follow me, kiddo." Your skin is cold and your blood is icy with anxiety as you follow him into the adjacent kitchen. "Your mom and I have always done what we thought was best for you. We thought we were raising a productive member of society." Your heart seems to stop as your brain races through all the possibilities of what could happen next. You nod, sitting at the kitchen island. Your legs are as shaky as a newborn giraffe's and your heart is racing like you've consumed a 6 pack of Red Bulls. "We found your notes." You blink stupidly at him for a moment as your mother joins the two of you.

"Oh fuck," You whisper. Your mother's mouth is a grim and thin white line as she pours herself a large glass of wine and downs it in one go.

"We want you out. Pack your things and go," Your mother's tone lets you know that there's no room for argument so you stand shakily from your bar stool. You walk towards your room processing who you are, what you've done, and where you're going to go. You ransack your dresser throwing everything into the largest duffel bag you own. Grabbing several photos and keepsakes you slip the strap over your shoulder and take one last glance around what was once your room before closing the door. Your parents watch you silently as you grab your school bag from the floor, slip on your shoes, and open the door shutting it as quietly as possible behind you.

Reality finally sets in when the sky opens and rain starts to pour. Your shoulders shake with sobs as you sit on the street corner surrounded by dark houses, your only worldly possessions, and pouring rain. In a rare moment of clarity you get an idea that puts some hope into you. You pick up your bags and trudge towards the only other home you've ever known.

You knock on the door and pray that someone is home. The door swings open and you look into Mary Winchester's concerned face.

"Honey, what are you doing here? It's pouring rain! Did you walk? What are you doing with those bags?" You don't say anything to her, dripping all over her front porch, waiting for her to put the pieces together. Horror dawns on her face and is quickly overtaken by anger. "Come in! Come in! You're going to catch a chill! John grab some towels! We have a soaking wet guest." The tears come rushing back and you're overtaken by wracking sobs that make your being convulse. "Set your bags down sweetie. Take your shoes and socks off. Let's get these wet clothes off of you."

One word manages to make it past the lump in your throat.

"Dean?" Mary's smile is sad as she nods and tells her husband to go get the eldest Winchester. Dresser drawers can be heard and then loud smacking footsteps. Dean slides into the kitchen, clothes and towels in hand a look of murder on his face. He sets the clothes down on the kitchen counter and begins to dry you off with the towels. You can't seem to stop crying and Dean murmurs to you. He holds the towel up to act as a privacy shield as you peel your wet clothes off, taking the dry ones Dean offers you.

"They found out didn't they?" You nod and your bottom lip quivers. Dean shushes you and wraps a dry towel around your shoulders. "Come here baby. I've got you now. They can't hurt you here. I won't let them." You let Dean hold you as your shoulders shudder and your sobs echo in the quiet house. Mary and John whisper among themselves for a while and then they say something quietly to Dean who nods and ushers you into the living room. He replaces the towel with a blanket and crouches in front of the fireplace, turning on the gas and ushering in a warm glow that makes shadows dance on the walls. He sits down next to you and you curl into him wanting to fall into the deepest pit in Tartarus.

"Do you guys need anything?" Sammy, all limbs and torso, stands awkwardly in the doorway. Dean shakes his head and Sammy nods ducking away back to his room.

"D?" You raise your head to look him in the eyes. "Do you still love me? Even though I clearly wasn't good enough for my parents." Dean narrows his eyes and scoffs.

"Of course I still love you, dingus. Forever and always. Your parents just didn't know what they had until it was gone. Forget about them baby. I'm sure mom and dad will let you crash here. Even if they don't you can stay in my bed with me. You'll always have a place there." Your heart swells with gratitude and you snuggle into him, your eyes drifting closed in the warmth of him, the fire, and the blankets. You slip into sleep wishing that this was just a horrible nightmare you were going to wake up from.

Dean X Male Reader One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें